
Learn React Hook Form with ZOD: A Tutorial on React and Typescript Form Validation

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React Hook Form with ZOD Tutorial

React Hook Form with ZOD Tutorial

If you are working with React and Typescript and need to add form validation to your application, React Hook Form with ZOD is a powerful combination that can help you achieve that. In this tutorial, we will walk through how to use React Hook Form with ZOD for form validation in a React and Typescript application.

What is React Hook Form?

React Hook Form is a library that helps you create flexible and reliable forms in React applications. It provides a simple and intuitive API for managing form state and validation. With React Hook Form, you can easily handle form submissions, integrate with UI libraries, and perform powerful validation using custom or third-party validation libraries.

What is ZOD?

ZOD is a TypeScript-first schema validation library that makes it easy to define and validate the shape of your data. It offers a clean and concise syntax for defining schemas, and provides powerful runtime validation to ensure that your data adheres to those schemas. With ZOD, you can easily validate form inputs, API responses, and any other data in your application.

Getting Started

First, make sure you have a React project set up with Typescript. If not, you can create a new project using Create React App with the Typescript template:

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript

Next, install React Hook Form and ZOD:

npm install react-hook-form zod

Using React Hook Form with ZOD

Once you have React Hook Form and ZOD installed, you can start using them for form validation in your React and Typescript application. First, create a form component and import the necessary dependencies:

import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod';
import * as z from 'zod';

Next, define a schema using ZOD to validate the form inputs:

const schema = z.object({
email: z.string().email(),
password: z.string().min(8),

Then, create a form using React Hook Form, providing the schema to the resolver option:

const { register, handleSubmit, formState: { errors } } = useForm({
resolver: zodResolver(schema)

Finally, use the form state and validation errors to display feedback to the user and handle form submissions:

{errors.email &&



{errors.password &&




In this tutorial, we have learned how to use React Hook Form with ZOD for form validation in a React and Typescript application. By combining these two powerful libraries, you can easily define and validate form schemas, providing a reliable and seamless user experience for your forms. Whether you are building a simple login form or a complex multi-step wizard, React Hook Form with ZOD has got you covered.

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10 months ago

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Nate Mueller
10 months ago

Excellent video! Right to the point.

ali baghbani
10 months ago

the best🙏

Bisola Onaolapo
10 months ago

Awesome video! Love the vs code theme…can you share what theme you use? Thanks!

Sandang Makmur
10 months ago

Bro, can you make tutorial on shad cn ui?

Yrok Kory
10 months ago

Good vid but not great, should've included an example of a select input or radio buttons.

Manish Volcone
10 months ago

Awesome and simple explanation!!

10 months ago

Nice turtorial,Thanks

Oghenemine Smart
10 months ago

anytime i want to learn something, ill first check if you have a video for it, cause your style of explanation is so simple and we developers can take what u teach then scale it up … welldone, keep it up 🤗

10 months ago

It's good to be brief.

Jhon Doe
10 months ago


10 months ago

thanks for sharing this awesome tutorial🔥🔥🔥

Abstract Object
10 months ago

What's the extension that shows packages as you write them in the terminal? This is so cool!

10 months ago

Great tutorial, helped me finalize my choice on using Zod for form validation. Thank you.

Mj Balcueva
10 months ago

the auto complete package in your terminal looks really cool

Rodrigo Borba
10 months ago

Hey, thanks for the tutorial! It was pretty useful.
If I may, I would like to add a concern about initialization the schema inside the component render function. It hames this schema creation happen every rerender of your component. Even though it doesn't seem to be a expensive operation, it maybe could be done outside the component scope.

Pranu Pranav
10 months ago

We can create type in one line like TFormData=z.infer<typeof FormData>;

10 months ago


10 months ago

great video

Ken Skversky
10 months ago

Well done!