
Learn the Basics of Sanity: Global Site Settings, Customizing the Sanity Desk, and Global SEO (#2)

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Sanity Crash Course #2 – Global Site Settings, Customizing Sanity Desk, Global SEO

Sanity Crash Course #2 – Global Site Settings, Customizing Sanity Desk, Global SEO

Welcome to the second installment of our Sanity Crash Course series! In this edition, we will be covering global site settings, customizing the Sanity Desk, and implementing global SEO strategies.

Global Site Settings

One of the advantages of using Sanity as a content management system is the ability to manage global site settings from a centralized location. This includes configuring site metadata, social media settings, and other site-wide configurations. By utilizing Sanity’s global settings, you can ensure consistency and efficiency in managing your website’s settings.

Customizing Sanity Desk

The Sanity Desk is the interface through which content managers create and manage the content of a website. Customizing the Sanity Desk allows you to tailor the user experience to match the specific needs of your team. This can include adjusting the layout, adding custom fields, and creating custom workflows to streamline content management processes.

Global SEO

Implementing global SEO strategies within Sanity can help improve the visibility and ranking of your website in search engines. This includes optimizing metadata, implementing structured data, and managing sitemaps. By incorporating global SEO best practices into the content management process, you can ensure that your website is well-positioned to attract organic traffic.


By leveraging the capabilities of Sanity for managing global site settings, customizing the Sanity Desk, and implementing global SEO strategies, you can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your content management processes. Stay tuned for the next installment of our Sanity Crash Course series!

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Baljka Gan
7 months ago

I was looking for this. Appreciated for your content

NaDario Seays
7 months ago

Awesome work Jaydan!! This is my favorite frontend and backend combos!!

Ben Nash
7 months ago

Jaydan, I recently watched several of your Sanity videos on youtube. Maybe that's how we crossed paths in the twitter algo. I'm a developer and have been working on many Sanity projects lately mostly with Remix. Remember, when you want to dunk on a tweet, that maybe that person was actually a fan of your work.

7 months ago

Good content, What about if we want set SEO metatags along with the schemas? I mean for specific page. Thank you!

Bnonn Tennant
7 months ago

Thanks for sharing this, it's really helpful. I've been struggling to assess CMS options that will integrate well with Astro and allow a good client editing experience. I assume Sanity can be configured to work with Astro components but there seems to be very little out there on how. I'm hoping you'll talk about this in the next lesson?

Niels Lützhøft
7 months ago

Interesting stuff! Will there be a part 3?

7 months ago

Looking forward to part 3

7 months ago

Eagerly waiting for the rest of the serie !!

Niclas n19
7 months ago

Looking forward to the next part 🙂

Hinata Shoyo
7 months ago

Thank you for this useful tutorial! Could you tell around how many parts the tutorial would have?

7 months ago

Thank you so much for the video! I was really waiting for this video 🔥 Will there be a video lesson where will deploy sanity + Astro on netfily ?

Trey S.
7 months ago

Awesome tutorial! It's interesting that the series is culminating in the creation of a page builder. How many parts do you think the full series will contain?

Aaron Duke
7 months ago

Enjoying your content, very clear and precise!