Learning Modern Python Development with FastAPI and its Ecosystem by Sebastián Ramírez

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Sebastián Ramírez- Modern Python through FastAPI and friends

Sebastián Ramírez- Modern Python through FastAPI and friends

Sebastián Ramírez, also known as “tiangolo,” is a software developer and entrepreneur who is passionate about modern Python development. He is the creator of FastAPI, a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. FastAPI is easy to use, fast to develop, and easy to maintain. It is built on top of Pydantic and Starlette, which are also created by Sebastián.

FastAPI allows developers to build high-performance web services with Python without sacrificing ease of use. It utilizes asynchronous programming and dependency injection to achieve maximum speed and scalability. With its built-in support for OpenAPI and automatic generation of API documentation, FastAPI makes it incredibly easy to create APIs that are well-documented and easy to interact with.

Aside from FastAPI, Sebastián is also the creator of other popular Python projects such as Tortoise-ORM, which is an easy-to-use asyncio ORM inspired by Django. Tortoise-ORM provides integrated support for Pydantic and FastAPI and is designed to work seamlessly with them. Sebastián is also the author of Starlette, a lightweight ASGI framework that is ideal for building high-performance async services.

Sebastián Ramírez is a strong advocate for modern Python development practices and is dedicated to making Python a first-class choice for building high-performance applications. His projects and contributions to the Python ecosystem have been well-received by the community and have made a significant impact on how Python is used in the industry.

If you are interested in modern Python development and want to learn more about FastAPI and other projects created by Sebastián Ramírez, be sure to check out his GitHub repository and follow him on social media to stay updated on the latest developments in the world of modern Python development.

For more information, visit Sebastián Ramírez’s GitHub