Learning Vue.js: My Process (Part 2)

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My Process Learning Vue.js | Part 2

My Process Learning Vue.js | Part 2

After completing Part 1 of my Vue.js learning journey, I was excited to dive into Part 2 and continue building my skills with this powerful framework. In this article, I will share my experiences and insights as I progress further with Vue.js.

Setting Up

Before I could continue with my learning, I needed to set up my development environment. I made sure to install the latest version of Node.js and npm to work with Vue.js. I also incorporated Vue Devtools into my browser to help me with debugging and inspecting Vue components.

Intermediate Concepts

In Part 2, I delved deeper into intermediate concepts of Vue.js such as routing, state management, and component composition. I learned how to use Vue Router to create dynamic routes for my applications, and Vuex for state management. I also explored the power of component composition by using mixins and custom directives to streamline my code and enhance reusability.

Building Projects

One of the best ways to learn a new technology is by building real-world projects. In Part 2, I started working on a to-do list application using Vue.js. This project allowed me to apply what I had learned about routing, state management, and component composition in a practical context. I faced some challenges along the way, but with the help of the Vue community and documentation, I was able to overcome them and make significant progress.

Challenges and Growth

As with any new technology, I encountered challenges and roadblocks during my learning process. However, each obstacle became an opportunity for growth. I found that the more I persisted and experimented with Vue.js, the more confident and capable I became in using it. I also grew to appreciate the simplicity and elegance of Vue.js compared to other frontend frameworks.


Part 2 of my Vue.js learning journey was filled with new discoveries and aha moments. I feel more comfortable and excited to continue exploring the possibilities of Vue.js in future projects and applications. I look forward to applying my newfound knowledge and skills as I progress in my Vue.js journey.

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6 months ago

Vue is underrated. Although it’s not as popular as React, it’s not bad to learn

6 months ago

You're freaking amazing Josh!