Learning Vue.js: Part 1 of My Journey

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My Process Learning Vue.js | Part 1

My Process Learning Vue.js | Part 1

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single page applications. As a developer, I decided to learn Vue.js to expand my skillset and improve my ability to create dynamic and interactive web applications. In this article, I will discuss my process of learning Vue.js, starting with the basics.

Getting Started

Before diving into Vue.js, I made sure to have a good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also installed Node.js and npm to manage my project dependencies. After that, I used npm to install Vue.js and set up a new project using the Vue CLI.

Understanding the Core Concepts

Once my project was set up, I spent some time familiarizing myself with the core concepts of Vue.js. This included learning about data binding, directives, components, and the Vue instance. I also learned about the reactivity system and how Vue.js automatically updates the DOM when data changes.

Building My First Vue Component

After grasping the core concepts, I started building my first Vue component. I created a simple application that displayed a list of items and allowed users to add new items to the list. I used Vue’s template syntax, data properties, and methods to achieve this functionality.

Exploring Vue’s Ecosystem

In addition to learning the basics of Vue.js, I also explored the ecosystem of Vue. This included learning about Vue Router for creating single page applications with multiple views, as well as Vuex for state management. I also familiarized myself with Vue’s official devtools for debugging and inspecting Vue components.


Overall, my initial experience with learning Vue.js has been an exciting journey. I have gained a better understanding of how to create dynamic and reactive user interfaces using Vue.js. In the next part of this series, I plan to delve deeper into Vue’s advanced features and tackle more complex applications.

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GL technologies
7 months ago

lets go!! vue is amazing built my startup with it