Lecture 9 on React JS

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React Js Lecture 9

React Js Lecture 9: Advanced Component Patterns

Welcome to the 9th lecture in our series on React Js! In this lecture, we will be diving into advanced component patterns that will help you build more complex and dynamic user interfaces.

Topics Covered

  • Higher order components (HOCs)
  • Render props
  • Compound components
  • Controlled and uncontrolled components

What to Expect

By the end of this lecture, you can expect to have a deeper understanding of how to build reusable and extensible components that can be used in a wide variety of situations. You will learn how to leverage these advanced patterns to create more flexible and maintainable code.

How to Prepare

Before attending this lecture, it is recommended that you have a solid understanding of React Js fundamentals, including state and props, class and functional components, and lifecycle methods. Familiarity with JavaScript ES6 syntax is also beneficial.

Additionally, make sure to have your development environment set up with React Js installed. You may want to have a text editor or IDE handy for following along with the live coding examples.


We hope you are as excited as we are to delve into the world of advanced component patterns in React Js. These concepts are fundamental to building scalable and maintainable applications, and we are confident that you will find them incredibly valuable in your development journey.

See you in the lecture!