Leonardo DiCaprio’s Use of the N-Word in Django Unchained

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Leonardo DiCaprio played a controversial and memorable role as Calvin Candie in Quentin Tarantino’s film Django Unchained. Calvin Candie is the owner of the infamous Candieland plantation and is depicted as a cruel and ruthless individual who is unapologetically racist. Throughout the film, Candie frequently uses the N-word, a highly offensive racial slur directed towards African Americans.

It is important to note that the use of the N-word in Django Unchained is intentional and serves to highlight the harsh realities of slavery and racism in the pre-Civil War South. Tarantino, known for pushing boundaries in his films, uses the word to accurately depict the language and attitudes of the time period. However, this does not excuse or justify the use of such a derogatory term.

In total, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Calvin Candie, says the N-word a total of 26 times throughout the film. The word is used in derogatory and demeaning ways towards Django, played by Jamie Foxx, and other enslaved individuals on the plantation. DiCaprio’s performance as Candie is chilling and impactful, showcasing the depths of his character’s villainy.

While some viewers may find the repeated use of the N-word uncomfortable or offensive, it is crucial to remember the context in which it is used in Django Unchained. The film aims to shed light on the brutal and dehumanizing nature of slavery and the inherent racism that existed during that time period.

In conclusion, Leonardo DiCaprio’s portrayal of Calvin Candie in Django Unchained is a powerful and provocative performance that sparks important conversations about race, history, and the impact of language. While the use of the N-word may be unsettling for some, it is a deliberate choice by the filmmakers to accurately portray the harsh realities of slavery in America. It is a reminder of the need to confront and address the painful truths of our history in order to move forward towards a more inclusive and just society.

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9 days ago

He hit those n words with a little too much fluidity

9 days ago

The acting here is a little too good

9 days ago

Top 10 times actors werent acting

9 days ago

Laughed so hard because it sounds like he is using the pass as much as he can

9 days ago

Cod Lobbies:

9 days ago

Imagine doing what you love and get payed for it

9 days ago

Dude the effort cast had to go through to get him to say that word

9 days ago

I'm disappointed, I was expecting a joke video. Not a literal one

9 days ago

In order to attain the cough*r̶a̶c̶i̶s̶m̶*cough confidence to say these lines, Leo had to watch 10 hours of Ben Shapiro

9 days ago


9 days ago

10 times actors were not actually acting

9 days ago

"Leo, we're gonna need the n-word pass back now"
"Do I have to?"

9 days ago

"wait leo, the n word is not written in the script…"

9 days ago

All the Trump voters: look what we had and gave up…

9 days ago

He joined the film so he can say it

9 days ago

Why isn’t there a hard R

9 days ago

Great movie. In which Leonardo DiCaprio becomes a true gamer.

9 days ago

After getting the N-Word pass from my Bro on MW2

9 days ago

He has the N-word Pass

9 days ago

Certified nigga after this movie

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