
Lesson 1.2: Overview of the Tech Stack for Building a UGC Live Streaming App with Amazon IVS

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Build a UGC Live Streaming App with Amazon IVS: Tech Stack Overview (Lesson 1.2)

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Build a UGC Live Streaming App with Amazon IVS: Tech Stack Overview (Lesson 1.2)

In this lesson, we will provide an overview of the tech stack required to build a user-generated content (UGC) live streaming app using Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS).

Frontend Tech Stack:

For the frontend of the app, we will be using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This will be responsible for the user interface and client-side functionality of the live streaming app. HTML will be used for the structure of the web pages, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity and real-time updates.

Backend Tech Stack:

On the backend, we will utilize Node.js as the runtime environment, and Express.js as the web application framework. We will also use Amazon API Gateway for creating and managing APIs, Amazon DynamoDB for storing and retrieving user and video data, and Amazon IVS for real-time video streaming.

Authentication and Authorization:

For user authentication and authorization, we will implement Amazon Cognito, which provides user management and authentication service. This will ensure that only authenticated users can access the live streaming app and perform actions such as creating and streaming videos.

Real-Time Communication:

In order to support real-time communication between users, we will integrate Amazon IVS with Amazon Chime SDK. This will allow users to engage in live chat and video calls while watching and streaming live content.

Infrastructure as Code:

To manage and provision the cloud resources required for the UGC live streaming app, we will use AWS CloudFormation. This will allow us to define the infrastructure as code and deploy it in a consistent and reproducible manner.


By leveraging the tech stack outlined above, developers can build a scalable and interactive UGC live streaming app using Amazon IVS. In the next lesson, we will dive deeper into the implementation of each component in the tech stack.