Lesson 10: How to Collect Static Files in a Python Django Project

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Lesson 10: Collecting Static Files in Python Django Project

Lesson 10: Collecting Static Files in Python Django Project

In a Python Django project, static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and images are essential for creating a visually appealing and interactive website. However, when deploying a Django project, it’s important to collect all the static files in one place to ensure that they are served correctly to the users.

Step 1: Setting up Static Files Directory

Before collecting static files, make sure that you have configured the static files directory in your Django project. You can do this by setting the STATIC_ROOT variable in your settings.py file:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')

This code snippet tells Django where to collect static files when running the collectstatic command.

Step 2: Running the collectstatic Command

To collect all the static files in your Django project, run the following command in your terminal:

python manage.py collectstatic

This command copies all the static files from each app in your project to the STATIC_ROOT directory. Make sure that you have configured the static files in each app by including a static directory with your CSS, JavaScript, and image files.

Step 3: Configuring the Static Files in Your Templates

Once you have collected all the static files, you can use them in your templates by referencing them using the {% static %} template tag. For example:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}">

This code snippet references a CSS file called styles.css from the static directory in your project.


Collecting static files in a Python Django project is crucial for ensuring that your website’s design and functionality is maintained when deploying the project. By following the steps outlined in this lesson, you can easily collect and use static files in your Django project.

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1 month ago

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