Lesson 2: Mastering CSS, XPath Selectors, DOM Manipulation, and HTML in Advanced Web Automation with JavaScript/TypeScript Course

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Advanced Web Automation JavaScript / TypeScript Course – Lesson 2

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Advanced Web Automation JavaScript / TypeScript Course

Lesson 2: CSS, XPath selectors, DOM, HTML

Welcome to lesson 2 of our advanced web automation course. In this lesson, we will be diving deep into CSS, XPath selectors, the DOM, and HTML. These topics are essential for web automation as they allow us to identify and interact with elements on a webpage.

CSS Selectors

CSS selectors are a powerful way to target elements on a webpage. In this lesson, we will learn about different types of CSS selectors, such as class selectors, id selectors, attribute selectors, and more. Understanding CSS selectors is crucial for writing efficient and robust automation scripts.

XPath Selectors

XPath is another way to locate elements on a webpage. It provides a more flexible way to identify elements based on their attributes, positions, and more. We will explore the syntax and usage of XPath selectors in this lesson.

DOM Manipulation

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a crucial concept for web automation. Understanding how to navigate and manipulate the DOM is essential for interacting with elements on a webpage. In this lesson, we will learn how to traverse the DOM and perform actions on elements using JavaScript or TypeScript.

HTML Basics

Finally, we will review the basics of HTML. Knowing the structure and syntax of HTML is important for understanding how webpages are built and how to interact with their elements. We will cover HTML tags, attributes, and best practices for working with HTML in our automation scripts.

By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of CSS, XPath selectors, the DOM, and HTML, making you better equipped to write effective and efficient web automation scripts.

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6 months ago

It's absolutely necessary to understand the basics of HTML, DOM tree, CSS and XPath selectors before using some high-level selectors provided by any test framework.
Frameworks will change. CSS and XPath selectors will stay.

How to play with HTML locally as I did?
1. download the html file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uN3OfXoPnoEfb_WCGHOHpBUy1sWI1BQX/view?usp=sharing
2. open the file in your favourite code/text editor.
3. change HTML and save it.
4. open this HTML document using any Browser.

Happy learning 🙂

6 months ago

Привіт, цікава твоя думка з приводу вищої освіти. Як ти вважаєш чи потрібна вона для працевлаштування (IT) в Україні або реальних знань у голові і пройдені курси достатньо, а диплом не так уже й важливо?

6 months ago

Спасибо за понятное и доступное изложение – то, что надо и без воды

6 months ago

Хоть мне милее java, я все равно буду все смотреть, тошо Аффтар говорит дельные вещи

6 months ago

Дякую за контент. Підскажіть будь-ласка, а в майбутньому ви ще будете випускати відео на українській чи російській мові?

6 months ago

May God bless your soul!

6 months ago

thanks! as always, very good content!

6 months ago

thanks! as always, very good content!

6 months ago

Я слушал Иллариона на русском.
Потом учил с ним украинску мову.
Теперь перешел вместе с ним, на английский.
Потрясающий человек наш автор видео, делаешь СНГ крайне мультиязычным сообществом.
Ждем хинди)

6 months ago

Дякую,як завжди топ 💪