Lesson 2: Rendering HTML Templates to Display a Simple Webpage in Django

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How to Display a Simple Webpage in Django – Lesson 2

How to Display a Simple Webpage in Django

Lesson 2: Rendering HTML Templates

In Lesson 1, we learned how to create a basic Django project and app. Now, in Lesson 2, we will learn how to display a simple webpage in Django by rendering HTML templates.

Step 1: Create a HTML Template

The first step is to create a HTML template for our webpage. Create a new folder called ‘templates’ in your app directory. Inside this folder, create a new HTML file called ‘index.html’.

        <!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>My First Django Webpage</title>
            <h1>Welcome to My First Django Webpage!</h1>
            <p>This is a simple webpage created using Django.</p>

Step 2: Update Views

Next, we need to update the views.py file in our app directory to render the HTML template we just created. Add the following code to your views.py file:

        from django.shortcuts import render
        def index(request):
            return render(request, 'index.html')

Step 3: Configure URL Mapping

Lastly, we need to configure URL mapping in our app’s urls.py file to connect the view function we just created to a specific URL. Add the following code to your urls.py file:

        from django.urls import path
        from . import views
        urlpatterns = [
            path('', views.index, name='index'),

That’s it! Now when you navigate to the root URL of your Django project, you should see the simple webpage we created. Congratulations on successfully rendering HTML templates in Django!

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You are a master…

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