Lesson 6: Adding Images to Your Python Django Project – Serving Static Files

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Serving Static Files in Django – How to add IMAGES to your Python Django Project – Lesson 6

Serving Static Files in Django – How to add IMAGES to your Python Django Project – Lesson 6

Static files such as images are essential for creating visually appealing and dynamic web applications. In Python Django, serving static files, including images, is a straightforward process that involves configuring your project for the proper handling of these files.

Adding Images to Your Project

To add images to your Python Django project, start by creating a directory named ‘static’ within your app directory. Inside the ‘static’ directory, create another directory with the name of your app. For example, if your app is named ‘main’, create a directory named ‘main’ within the ‘static’ directory.

Next, place your images inside the ‘static/main’ directory. You can organize your images into subdirectories based on their usage or purpose within your application.

Configuring Static Files Settings

After adding images to your project, you need to configure your Django settings to tell the framework where to find and serve static files from.

In your settings.py file, make sure that the STATIC_URL and STATICFILES_DIRS settings are properly configured. The STATIC_URL setting should specify the URL from which static files will be served, while the STATICFILES_DIRS setting should define the directories where Django will look for static files. For example:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),

Including Images in Templates

Once your project is set up to serve static files, you can include images in your templates using the {% load static %} tag at the top of your template file. This tag loads the ‘static’ template tag library, allowing you to reference static files in your templates using the {% static %} tag. For example:

{% load static %}



By following these steps, you can easily add and serve images in your Python Django project. Properly configuring your project to handle static files and including images in your templates will ensure that your web application displays images as intended, enhancing the overall user experience.

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