Let’s Construct Generative Pretrained Transformer: Starting from the Basics, Writing the Code by Hand.

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Let’s build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out

Let’s build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) has gained a lot of attention in the field of natural language processing. It is a state-of-the-art language model that has been pre-trained on a large corpus of text data and can generate human-like text. In this article, we will explore how to build a basic version of GPT from scratch using code.

Understanding GPT

GPT is based on the Transformer architecture, which uses self-attention mechanisms to process input sequences and generate output sequences. The model consists of multiple layers of self-attention and feedforward neural networks, allowing it to capture long-range dependencies in the input data.

Building GPT from Scratch

To build a basic version of GPT from scratch, we will need to implement the core components of the Transformer architecture, such as self-attention layers, positional encoding, and feedforward networks. We will also need to pre-train the model on a large text corpus to capture the underlying structure of natural language.

Self-attention Layers

The self-attention mechanism allows the model to assign different weights to different parts of the input sequence, capturing the relationships between words and capturing context. We will need to implement the self-attention layers using matrix multiplications and softmax operations.

Positional Encoding

Since the Transformer architecture does not have any inherent notion of positional information, we will need to add positional encoding to the input sequences to preserve the order of words in the input data.

Feedforward Networks

The feedforward networks in the Transformer architecture are responsible for capturing non-linear relationships within the input data. We will need to implement these networks using activation functions and weight matrices.

Pre-training the Model

After building the core components of GPT, we will need to pre-train the model on a large text corpus. This involves feeding the model with input sequences and training it to predict the next word in the sequence. This will allow the model to learn the underlying structure of natural language and generate human-like text.


Building GPT from scratch can be a challenging but rewarding task. By implementing the core components of the Transformer architecture and pre-training the model on a large text corpus, we can create a basic version of GPT that is capable of generating human-like text.

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6 months ago

In the next 10 years

Let's build AGI system to terraform MARS

6 months ago

Simply, thank you!

6 months ago

00:03 ChatGPT is a powerful AI system that allows interaction with text-based tasks.
05:49 Nano GPT is a simple code implementation of training Transformers.
17:12 The Transformer Network is trained to predict the next character by utilizing context.
22:19 Implementing a bigram language model using PyTorch
32:23 Train the model to improve the loss and generate more reasonable text
37:37 The text discusses the development of a simple language model and the process of converting it into a script.
47:35 Matrix multiplication in torch
52:56 Weighted aggregations of past elements can be done using matrix multiplication of a lower triangular fashion.
1:03:23 Self-attention solves the problem of gathering information from the past in a data-dependent way.
1:08:58 Self-attention is a communication mechanism between nodes in a directed graph.
1:18:47 Implementing multi-head attention by applying multiple attentions in parallel and concatenating the results.
1:23:33 Using group convolution and self-attention, multiple independent channels of communication can be created to improve the performance of deep neural networks.
1:33:18 Implemented batch normalization and layer normalization for neural networks.
1:38:37 Dropout is a regularization technique that randomly disables neurons during training.
1:48:38 Training chat GPT involves a pre-training stage and a fine-tuning stage.
1:53:33 GPT uses pre-training and fine-tuning stages to generate answers
Crafted by Merlin AI.

6 months ago

Is this the last video in the makemore series. Please create videos which teach us how to tune the model.

6 months ago

amazing video thank you for passing your knowledge along, Question, if i did this in C++ or rust instead could i use vulkan instead of cuda?

6 months ago

Bro, you are a gangster. Seriously impressive how well you explain these dense topics and make them easy to follow. Props 😉

6 months ago

"Hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel, today we'll be building nanoGPT-5 from scratch. To my lucky 10 millionth subscriber, congratulations you win a Datacentre with your very own personal AGI." – Andrej Karpathy in the year 2030.

6 months ago

Yeah, I've implemented my own decoder according to your video, thank you Andrej, very informative! (now I only need about 50000 H100's and a few tweaks to get from 2017 to 2024 ;))

6 months ago

That is not from scratch at all.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I've already been blown away by your videos on artificial evolution that you've made as a student, the predators and prey learning to coexist in harmony for greater wealth was just mindblowing! Would love to see some updates on that again ❤

6 months ago

Hi Andrej, thank you very much for this series of video. It's informative, cristal clear and sometimes even fun to follow.

6 months ago

Him stating 'because I only have a Macbook' gives me hope that a guy with his acclaim, accomplishments and position- can say with completely dry eyes 'I only have a MacBook' 🙂

6 months ago

Thank you for illustrating GPT and NN in such clear and easy-to-understand way! Also, thank you, community of Andrej's channel for the great positive energy!

6 months ago

I mean.. how did we get this far with a simple 0 and 1. Seriously. I am blessed to witness this.

6 months ago

a New way of teaching : 1/ the pb : oral teaching is Serial slow single channel of transmitting data and concepts … we can do better ……. your are Richard feydman kind of mentor . you convey to us the most complex concept in relative simplier concept for us . whaching you expaining your concept i see clearly that you have an image of your concepts in a 3d space in your visual cortext and your gestures accessing that visualisation reminds me of Tom cruise in "minority reports " that gave me an idea ….. 1- current learning flow : ideas concetp >>> your words >> to our ears >>> in our brain translate words to image to concepts to a map = concepts understood and store in our minds as an IMAGE .. B/ direct concept transmission method DTM : i propose this , for each concept we teach : Concepts — in image ( txt diagram of drawing a graphic tab ) + words explanation >>>> audience Eyes channel register image >>> direct to brain RAM to register the Concept image + words to complete the concept taught >>> digested and store in our ROM or long term memory map , and linked to our current knowledge DB . so Andrej , let innovate , let train the NN not with words symbols , but with Concepts , math formulas , image , graphs showing the MAP of a Concept , then use than Concept Image Representage Unit : CIRU as bse unit for transmitting knowledge or any info actually . Andrej thank you for using your inSights to inspire us

6 months ago

thank you

6 months ago

"this is the wei" https://youtu.be/kCc8FmEb1nY?t=4066

6 months ago

So packed with information, great!

6 months ago

Fantastic video, epic rickroll at 28:28.