
Level 4 Exercise: Improving Cypress Test Reliability

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Cypress Flaky Test Exercise: Level 4

Cypress Flaky Test Exercise: Level 4

In this exercise, we will tackle Level 4 of the Cypress Flaky Test Challenge. This level is designed to test your skills in handling flaky tests and finding ways to make them more stable.

Challenge Overview

Level 4 of the challenge introduces a complex scenario where the test relies on multiple API requests and interactions with the UI. This complexity increases the likelihood of flaky test results due to timing issues, network delays, or other external factors.


Your objective for Level 4 is to identify the root causes of flakiness in the test scenario and implement strategies to make the test more stable. This may involve adjusting wait times, optimizing API requests, or refining the test logic to ensure reliable results.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the dependencies and interactions within the test scenario
  • Identifying potential points of failure that could lead to flakiness
  • Implementing techniques such as retries, timeouts, and assertions to improve test reliability
  • Collaborating with developers and QA team members to address underlying issues


Level 4 of the Cypress Flaky Test Challenge pushes you to think critically about test stability and resilience in the face of complexity. By applying best practices and troubleshooting techniques, you can enhance your skills in writing reliable automated tests and contributing to a robust test suite.

Good luck with the challenge, and happy testing!

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3 months ago

Do you have any courses ??🎉❤ thanks for the video