Leveraging advanced pre-trained Web ML models: Part 2 – Employing MoveNet for pose estimation in the browser

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Using advanced pre-trained Web ML models – Part 2: Use MoveNet for pose estimation in browser

Using advanced pre-trained Web ML models – Part 2: Use MoveNet for pose estimation in browser

In the previous article, we discussed how to use pre-trained Web ML models to perform advanced tasks in the browser. In this article, we will focus on using MoveNet for pose estimation.

What is MoveNet?

MoveNet is a pre-trained machine learning model that can estimate human poses in real-time. It can be used in a variety of applications, such as fitness tracking, augmented reality, and gesture recognition.

Using MoveNet in the browser

Using MoveNet in the browser is quite straightforward. First, you need to load the MoveNet model using TensorFlow.js, which is a powerful library for machine learning in JavaScript. Once the model is loaded, you can start capturing video from the user’s webcam and feed it into the MoveNet model for pose estimation.

Sample code

Here’s a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to use MoveNet for pose estimation in the browser:

      // Load the MoveNet model
      const model = await tf.automl.MoveNet.load();

      // Capture video from the user's webcam
      const video = document.createElement('video');
      const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
      video.srcObject = stream;

      // Perform pose estimation
      const predictions = await model.estimatePoses(video);

      // Display the estimated poses on the screen
      for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
        const pose = predictions[i];
        // Draw the pose on the video feed


Using advanced pre-trained Web ML models like MoveNet can bring a whole new level of interactivity to web applications. With the power of machine learning in the browser, developers can create immersive experiences that were not possible before. Pose estimation is just one example of the many possibilities that Web ML opens up, and we can expect to see even more exciting applications in the future.

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6 months ago

Catch more episodes from Machine Learning for Web Developers (Web ML) → https://goo.gle/learn-WebML

6 months ago

If anyones facing 'tf is not defined' error try restarting the browser.

6 months ago

what if image tensor shape is different form the image dimension? what do?
example the dimensions of the original image is 640×480 pixels, and as it converts using tf.browser.fromPixels we got a tensor shape with dimensions 150×300 ( [150, 300, 3] ), what do?

6 months ago

Throughout this chapter the code is referencing tf which from what I can see, was never defined. Where does tf get defined?

6 months ago

his teaching is awesome…

6 months ago

Oke thanks