Lindsey Graham warns of potential wider war if support for Ukraine is abandoned

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Lindsey Graham is a staunch advocate for a strong U.S. stance in support of Ukraine. As a Republican Senator from South Carolina and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Graham has been vocal and unwavering in his support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

Graham has consistently emphasized the strategic importance of Ukraine in the larger geopolitical context, and has warned of the potential consequences of abandoning Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. In a recent interview, Graham stated that “if we give up on Ukraine, we will have a wider war.”

Graham’s stance on Ukraine is rooted in his belief in the importance of standing up to Russian aggression and maintaining a strong U.S. presence in the region. He has consistently called for increased military aid to Ukraine, including lethal weapons, to help the country defend itself against Russian aggression.

Graham’s views on Ukraine have also been shaped by his interactions with Ukrainian leaders and his visits to the country. He has been a vocal supporter of Ukraine’s efforts to fight corruption and build a more stable and democratic society, and has urged the U.S. to continue to support Ukraine in these efforts.

Graham’s stance on Ukraine has put him at odds with some members of his own party, as well as with the Trump administration’s approach to Ukraine. He has been critical of President Trump’s handling of Ukraine, particularly in the wake of the impeachment inquiry, and has called for a more robust U.S. response to Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Graham’s strong stance on Ukraine has also drawn criticism from some quarters, with some arguing that his views on the subject are overly hawkish and could lead to an escalation of tensions with Russia. However, Graham has remained resolute in his support for Ukraine, arguing that a strong U.S. stance is necessary to prevent further Russian aggression and maintain stability in the region.

As tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue to simmer, Lindsey Graham’s outspoken advocacy for Ukraine will likely remain a prominent feature of the U.S. foreign policy discussion. His unwavering support for Ukraine reflects a broader debate within the U.S. about the appropriate response to Russian aggression, and the role of the U.S. in supporting its allies in the face of such threats.

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9 months ago

This guy, Lindsey Graham and other likeminded warmongers in the US Government made so much misery in the world during their tenure in the Senate that it would be more appropriate to take them to a mental hospital and check their wellbeing than interviewing them on a national network. He said that giving Ukraine billions of dollars to fight the war against Russia was the best investment the US could do which, by the way caused 500,000 dead, and more or at least as many wounded…and saying it with a straight face is not something a normal human being would say. People like Lindsey Graham lost their intellectual and moral compass and asking them for any opinion or advise is below any treshold of human decency.

9 months ago

when we go to tobacco shop they ask for your ID but we go to vote presidential election without ID checker Minnesota is famous for having fraudulent Presidential election

9 months ago

when we go to tobacco shop they ask for your ID but we go to vote presidential election without ID checker

9 months ago

Once upon a time, I went to vote in the state of Minnesota for President Bill Clinton. From George Bush to Obama, Trump, you must have an ID, write down your name and address, photocopy your ID and write down your social security number to go to the polling station to receive an official Presidential election ballot, since President Trump won the 2016 election. The state of Minnesota changed the 2020 election to not ask for ID at all, the staff said we did not have the right to check IDs so Joe Biden took advantage of covid 19 via mail to cheat in the 2020 election.

9 months ago

Once upon a time, I went to vote in the state of Minnesota for President Bill Clinton. From George Bush to Obama, Trump, you must have an ID, write down your name and address, photocopy your ID and write down your social security number to go to the polling station to receive an official Presidential election ballot, since President Trump won the 2016 election. The state of Minnesota changed the 2020 election to not ask for ID at all, the staff said we did not have the right to check IDs so Joe Biden took advantage of covid 19 via mail to cheat in the 2020 election.

9 months ago

thisguy os a lunatic lier they didn’t capture nothing , russia went back

9 months ago

I've never seen anyone who loves war more than Lindsey Scumbag Graham. He's a sad individual.

9 months ago

That doesn't make any sense

9 months ago

Send that worm to russia

9 months ago

Time to retire this warmonger.

9 months ago

Bulshit Putin now stands 3D on their new boarder in Ukraine on land at the ukrainians will never get back again…..
At the same time all the fools that said Putin would take all of Ukraine or wrong he's taking exactly the land he said he would take the donbas …. The Russians speaking Ukrainians being bombed and systematically slaughtered for the last 8 years by their own government …. Russia's not attacking Poland Russia's not attacking Germany Russia's not attacking anyone … Stop telling us who rushes going to attack Russia is not the bullies we are we start more wars create more chaos interfere and more elections stage more coups overthrow more then any country in the history of the world all in the name of what we call democracy …… Stop Lindsey Graham the war is over and Joe Biden has failed

9 months ago


9 months ago

Graham is wrong, ukraine is not winning this war. Zelensky needs to surrender before more people die for nothing.

9 months ago

ms lady bugs Grahm … cant trust him or his kind

9 months ago

Lindsay is playing both sides of the fence

9 months ago

Cut financial support for Ukraine's government fine but triple the amount of weapons

9 months ago

Agree and thank you Senator Graham

9 months ago

Ha! Russia has lost half of its' military? I think he needs to listen to another news Channel… I'm seeing Ukraiians surrendering because they either need medical attention and food in the belly…. I guess he hasn't heard about the fliers Russia dropped! I believe we need to see just how he is involved financially and sit him down in front of a TV with Retired Col Douglas MacGregor speaking! It is a beautiful thing that America hasn't lost a man – that the war has decimated someone else's country. I wonder if he even realizes just how elitist and entitled he sounds? He is the problem along with others who only have a financial interest… I no longer believe he cares about what people think about him as he knows they just aren't listening anymore… He truly sucks as a human being.

9 months ago

No more money to ukraine. We the people dont care. Graham must have stock in these weapons companys. He needs to retire. War monger.

9 months ago

Ukraine was never "ours" to give up. If we didnt try to steal it, we never would have had a war. We should have swarmed Russia and helped them reunite peacefully if we actually gave a rip. Russians are people too and they know wats going on. Now the whole world hates us and its all Joe Biden. BTW we lost hundreds of Americans over Ukraine and all our money. We lost ALOT Grahm is a liar