List available cameras on Raspberry Pi using Python 3 with PyQt5 and picamera2.

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Python 3/PyQt5 + picamera2 on Raspberry Pi

Python 3/PyQt5 + picamera2 on Raspberry Pi

In this article, we will explore how to use Python 3 with the PyQt5 library and the picamera2 module on a Raspberry Pi to interact with cameras. This combination allows you to capture images and videos from connected cameras and display them using a user-friendly graphical interface.

List of Available Cameras

  • Camera 1
  • Camera 2
  • Camera 3
  • Camera 4
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3 months ago

Thanks so much for this series. It's been incredibly helpful.

I'm only using the module 3 camera and have added an extra slider for lens position when using manual focus.
I also read some of these setting values and write them into the file name as some additional 'meta' data for if you were wanting to refer back to settings used for each saved image.