Listen to Al Franken’s forecast for the 2024 election

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Al Franken, the former Democratic senator from Minnesota, recently made a bold prediction about the 2024 election during an interview on CNN. Franken, who is known for his wit and humor, didn’t hold back when he expressed his concerns about the upcoming presidential race.

During the interview, Franken noted that he believes the 2024 election is going to be “very, very close,” regardless of who the Democratic and Republican candidates are. He also mentioned that he is worried about the possibility of a Republican candidate winning the White House, which he sees as a very real possibility.

Franken’s prediction is not without reason. The political landscape in the United States has been incredibly polarized in recent years, and there is a growing sense of frustration and disillusionment among many Americans. This could create an environment where the outcome of the 2024 election is uncertain and contentious.

Additionally, there is a sense of urgency among Democrats to maintain control of the White House, especially after the tumultuous term of former President Donald Trump. Many are concerned about the potential consequences of a Republican victory in 2024, particularly when it comes to issues like healthcare, immigration, and climate change.

It’s clear that Franken’s prediction is a reflection of the deep-seated concerns many Americans have about the future of the country. With so much at stake, it’s vital for both parties to carefully consider their choices for the 2024 election and work towards finding solutions that will appeal to a broad range of voters.

Regardless of whether Franken’s prediction comes to fruition, it’s clear that the 2024 election will be a critical moment in American politics. The outcome could have significant implications for the direction of the country in the years to come. As such, it’s important for all Americans to stay informed and engaged in the political process, and to make their voices heard when it comes time to cast their votes.

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6 months ago

When Biden shut down the oil pipeline that was already on going. That made him a dictator?

6 months ago


6 months ago

Who the hell cares what this idiot has to say ?
Why Cnn and the rest of the corrupt media.

6 months ago

Project 2025.

6 months ago

There is no thing such as a one day dictator. There is nothing in his past that supports this path. He turns on everyone that does not agree with him. So everyday after the first will simply be just one more day, as a dictator. (Have to keep being a dictator, there is always a reason to keep being one. "To get the job done, that never gets done.") How many people will be arrested, disappear, get destroyed, tortured, and murdered to satisfy his narcissism and ego? He worships Putin, and Kim Jung Un, he likes what they do to their opponents. He aims to do the same and more. There is no real upside to a Trump Presidency, except for Trump.

6 months ago

Al, don't let us down now by being a Biden apologist.

6 months ago

This is SUCH B S… at no point can the President resend the Constitution. My Lord, people are such sheep and idiots !.
It's PROVEN that the Russia Collusion HOAX was EXACTLY that.. BIDEN and the MEDIA lied and MISLEAD the people about the Laptop.. nothing but a bunch of LYING MANIPULATIVE DIRTY POLITICIANS !

6 months ago

Don't hold up foreign aid; somebody might give it to Americans!

6 months ago

Funny how Dems are the real fascist and authoritarians and people can't see how obvious Democrats are the Real Threat to our Democracy.. and the separation of children was not the right thing to do . but the policy has been corrected and updated, in reality some of the kids were unaccompanied and some migrants lied and claimed them as their own just to get them into the country so what do you do about that.. that's a real issue but to blame people trying to solve the bigger issue is intellectually dishonest… our Boarder is wide open and people are sleep walking into thinking there are no consequences to thousands of illegal people crossing our boarder every single day… Using kids to continue this insanity at our boarder is sickening by Mr Franken… why are Dems not having the conversation with the American People about how many people we should allow into our country is revealing… what is the Number… and Why so Many… Also another really good question that Dems should be answering is .. what is the IMPACT to poor communities already struggling with , Crime, Over Crowded Schools , inadequate health care and so on…. You can see this is BS when you start asking the right questions…… its all projection and no substance… Dems are Evil little liars plain and simple…

6 months ago

Biden has already lost. He will drop out of the race during the Spring. Trump said he will “prosecute” those who broke the law to go after him. You are not judging both parties by the same rules.

6 months ago

Firstly, Trump doesn’t seem to really understand what is meant by “dictator.” Secondly, Trump doesn’t seem to really hear, or listen to, what Hannity is actually saying. Both these things are how Trump regularly operates. He’s so focused on himself & what he wants to say he barely hears what others are saying.

6 months ago

He did answer the question

6 months ago

TRUMP 2024

6 months ago

Dictatorship of democracy. That’s the vote!

6 months ago

On day one he’ll be a Dictator. He wants to do more then closing the boarder and won’t drill he has other plans.

6 months ago

People, he said on day one just to get a reaction. What’s he going to say ? “i promise i won’t be a dictator “😂😂😂

6 months ago

"Rule of law". Where was the rule of law when a court banned him from an election ballot when he has not been convicted? If someone has not been convicted, he is innocent.

6 months ago

Big nothing stupid interview expected some intellect insight

6 months ago

I miss Al Franklin.. wish he hadn't resigned.. he's a comedian,but he's a decent man… He does have morals and humility…
I adore him.( and I'm a woman with boobs)! Seriously though, I wish he'd come back and support us

6 months ago

Rule of law ended when they suspended habeas corpus and instituted indefinite detention.
Rule of Law ended when the democrats and Republicans wroked together to make thenfunneling of unlimited donor money into Super PACs, crushing any resistance to who the donor class wantsbto win Primaries Elections.
Rule of Law ended when we sent $100 Billion to a lost cause that should have never escalated to that level in the first place, while we were told for years that $60 Billion over a ten year period to fix homelessness, provide medical insurance, and 4 years of higher education, for all citizens, was out of the question due to being unaffordable.
Rule of Law ended, when our politicians sold themelves, and the rest of us, for corporate money.
We no longer live in a Democracy. We are now fully in an Oligarchy.