
Live Coding: Full Stack Web App Development with Kotlin Multiplatform, React JS, and Ktor 🔴🟢

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LIVE CODING 🔴 Full Stack Web App 🔴 Kotlin Multiplatform 🟢 React JS + Ktor

Welcome to the live coding session!

Today, we will be building a full stack web application using Kotlin Multiplatform for the backend and React JS for the frontend with Ktor as the HTTP framework.

What is Kotlin Multiplatform?

Kotlin Multiplatform is a technology that allows you to write code once and use it on multiple platforms such as backend, frontend, and mobile. This means that you can share business logic, data models, and even some UI code between different parts of your application, saving time and reducing duplication.

Why React JS + Ktor?

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces and Ktor is a lightweight, asynchronous framework for building backend services in Kotlin. By using these technologies together, we can create a modern and efficient full stack web application.

What will we build?

During this live coding session, we will build a simple task management application. Users will be able to create, update, delete, and complete tasks, and the data will be stored on the backend using Kotlin Multiplatform.

How to follow along

You can tune in to the live coding session on our YouTube channel or follow the code repository on GitHub. We will be explaining each step as we go along and answering any questions you may have.


By the end of this live coding session, you will have a better understanding of how to use Kotlin Multiplatform to build a full stack web application and how to integrate React JS with Ktor. We hope you will find this session educational and enjoyable!

Thank you for joining us and happy coding!

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7 months ago

Were you able to fix the Auto reload problem? I got the same problem as well

Mohammad Rezania
7 months ago

Long time no see dude!