Live Coding Stream: A Beginner’s Guide to Pytorch

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How to PyTorch – Live Coding Stream

How to PyTorch – Live Coding Stream

PyTorch is a popular open-source machine learning library for Python. In this live coding stream, we will explore the basics of PyTorch and learn how to use it to build deep learning models.

Introduction to PyTorch

PyTorch is a powerful and flexible library that allows you to build and train deep learning models with ease. It provides a wide range of tools and utilities for working with neural networks, including tensor operations, automatic differentiation, and a rich ecosystem of pre-trained models and algorithms.

Live Coding Stream Agenda

During the live coding stream, we will cover the following topics:

  • Setting up a PyTorch environment
  • Creating and manipulating tensors
  • Building and training a simple neural network
  • Using pre-trained models for transfer learning

Join the Live Coding Stream

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn about PyTorch! Join us for the live coding stream on our website or YouTube channel. Our expert will be walking through the code and explaining the concepts in real-time, so you can follow along and ask questions as we go.

Event Details

Date: [Insert date here]

Time: [Insert time here]

Location: [Insert website or YouTube channel link]


Whether you’re new to deep learning or already have some experience with PyTorch, this live coding stream is a great opportunity to expand your skills and learn from industry experts. Join us for an interactive and informative session on how to use PyTorch for building and training deep learning models.

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6 months ago

thanks rob i think you forgot your channel password
6 months ago

Excellent work Rob ! Really grateful for these streams and coding sessions. I have learnt scikit learn, xgboost (Foreasting) and Image analysis – right after learning from basics of python. Please do more. God Bless

6 months ago

more of pytorch please ❤

6 months ago

Really good contents sir, I got to know about your channel 3 days ago, and I am pretty much spending all my eves on your contents, thanks again 🙂

6 months ago

Thanks Rob. Greets from Poland!

6 months ago

Regarding your concept of hyperdimensions, ignore the time dimension. Simply envision your Rubiks cube as a one-dimensional object (a whole), then convert each sub-cube of that Rubiks cube into a Rubiks cube, so that you now have a Rubiks cube OF Rubiks cubes. Repeat that process two more times for each sub-Rubiks cube (or you could do the entire process in reverse, make the one-dimensional Rubiks cube a sub-Rubiks cube of a super-Rubiks cube, …etc).

What you'll end up with is a true four dimensional Rubiks cube that you can mentally envision and physically observe (if you built it, which you could do, but the sub-Rubiks cubes would not be operational). Notice how this concept of dimensions describes how our existence is actually structured, from the level of atoms to the level of universe, unlike the limited and non-existent virtual concept of dimensions deliberately taught in "schools" to keep the public from perceiving the greater reality in which they exist. They even describe those dimensions, dot, line, plane, …etc, as virtual/non-existent.

6 months ago

This is just AMAZING, thank you so much for sharing this! I learned a lot!

6 months ago

how to install jupyter lab theme?

6 months ago

Thanks a lot looking forward to next one !!!