Live Interview for Angular Developer with 3+ Years of Experience

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Angular Interview for Angular developer 3+ years of experience | Live Interview

Angular Interview for Angular developer 3+ years of experience | Live Interview

If you are a seasoned Angular developer with over 3 years of experience, you may be preparing for an upcoming interview for a new job opportunity. Here are some key topics to focus on during the interview:

1. Angular Concepts:

Make sure you have a solid understanding of core Angular concepts such as components, services, directives, modules, and routing. Be prepared to discuss how you have applied these concepts in your previous projects.

2. Angular CLI:

Demonstrate your knowledge of the Angular CLI and how you have used it to scaffold new projects, generate components, services, and modules, and build and serve your application.

3. RxJS:

Understand the basics of reactive programming with RxJS and how you have used Observables and Subjects in your Angular applications to handle asynchronous data streams.

4. Unit Testing:

Showcase your expertise in writing unit tests for your Angular components and services using tools like Jasmine and Karma. Be prepared to discuss test-driven development and how it has improved your code quality.

5. Angular Best Practices:

Discuss your understanding of Angular best practices such as lazy loading modules, optimizing performance with Ahead-of-Time compilation, and using Angular style guide recommendations for clean and maintainable code.

6. Problem-solving Skills:

Be ready to tackle coding challenges and discuss how you approach problem-solving in Angular applications. Showcase your ability to debug and troubleshoot issues efficiently.


Prepare thoroughly for your Angular developer interview by reviewing these key topics and practicing your responses. Good luck!

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29 days ago


29 days ago

Did you pass?

29 days ago

more videos equals that please

29 days ago

appreciated, excellent video

29 days ago

Thank you for sharing. Please tell the company name

29 days ago

Thanks for sharing, very useful, what is the company name