Live Q&A: Ask Me Anything about Developing Indie iOS Apps

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Ask Me Anything about Indie iOS App Development | 🔴 Live

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Ask Me Anything about Indie iOS App Development | 🔴 Live

Welcome to our live session where you can ask anything about indie iOS app development. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or an experienced developer seeking tips and advice, this is the place for you. Our expert will be answering your questions live, so don’t hesitate to ask!

Topics we’ll cover:

  • Getting started with iOS app development
  • Choosing the right tools and frameworks
  • Designing user-friendly interfaces
  • Monetizing your app
  • Submitting your app to the App Store

How to participate:

To ask a question, simply type it in the chat box and our expert will answer it live. Feel free to ask about any aspect of iOS app development, no question is too big or too small!

Meet our expert:

Our expert is a seasoned iOS developer with years of experience in indie app development. They have launched multiple successful apps on the App Store and are excited to share their knowledge with you.

Don’t miss out!

This is a unique opportunity to learn from a professional in the field and get your burning questions answered. Join us live and take your iOS app development skills to the next level!

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3 months ago

I want to elaborate a bit about the getting an idea for the indie developer! – what you told about in the incomings video – I think the most recent one, around 6:00 minute or 8:00 or so.
If you aren't an insider, you don't know the problems, nor the solution which should be the correct one.
After that you say it is "lets's see there is enoughtmoney in … ", which is outsider, exactly the opposite of what you suggest previously 🙂