
Live Stream: Megan’s Coding Corner – Gatsby Tutorial, Part 1: Emphasis on Creation & Deployment

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Livestream | Megans Coding Corner — Gatsby Tutorial, Part 1: Focus on Creating & Deploying

Livestream | Megan’s Coding Corner

Gatsby Tutorial, Part 1: Focus on Creating & Deploying

Welcome to Megan’s Coding Corner, where we dive into the exciting world of web development! In this livestream, we will be focusing on Gatsby, a popular framework for building fast and performant websites. This tutorial is the first part of a series dedicated to exploring various aspects of Gatsby.

What is Gatsby?

Gatsby is a modern website generator that helps you build static websites using React. It utilizes the power of GraphQL and creates blazing-fast websites by pre-rendering pages at build time. Gatsby is widely known for its speed, performance, and ability to create highly optimized websites.

Creating Your First Gatsby Project

Creating a Gatsby project is straightforward. First, make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. Then, open your terminal and run the following command:

npx gatsby new my-gatsby-project

This command creates a new Gatsby project called “my-gatsby-project” in a directory of the same name. Once the project is created, navigate into the directory using the following command:

cd my-gatsby-project

Now, you are ready to start exploring Gatsby.

Adding Content to Your Gatsby Website

One of the great features of Gatsby is its ability to pull data from various sources using GraphQL. In the tutorial, we will cover how to create blog posts by sourcing data from markdown files. Gatsby makes it easy to transform these markdown files into web pages while providing a flexible and configurable system for managing content.

Deploying Your Gatsby Website

Once you have created your Gatsby website and added content, it’s time to deploy it to the web. In this tutorial, we will explore different deployment options such as hosting on popular platforms like Netlify, GitHub Pages, and AWS Amplify. Deploying a Gatsby website is a breeze, and you can have your site up and running in no time!

Join us for this livestream as we dive deeper into Gatsby and learn how to create and deploy amazing websites. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your web development skills!

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8 months ago

in ~51:00 minutes is used "rafc", instead for Gatsby better working "rafce", where still need to add "* as" in import. Does anyone know, how to permanently change those shortcut formulas?

mohammad fadavi
8 months ago

Hi there,
when I try to push an existing repository from the command line, get the following error, and I can't find an answer on the internet!
error: failed to push some refs to "my-repository-address"

8 months ago

This is a really good session Megan and Generosa ! I had fun watching and following the instructions. it worked ! Keep posting such videos. Thank You !
– Sree | Bangalore | India

Neil Mastroianni
8 months ago

I enjoyed the teacher/student aspect. It helps us learners to see someone "struggle" through the learning process. Great stuff Megan and Generosa!

Pedro Silva
8 months ago

Congrats guys!

Olawale Akinbolawa Akinro
8 months ago

Hello Megan and Generosa, Great job