LiveNOW from FOX: Israeli government updates on hostage situation, death toll, and ongoing operations in Israel-Hamas conflict.

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The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in a devastating toll on both sides, with casualties and destruction escalating by the day. As the world watches the violence unfold, the Israeli government has been providing updates on the latest developments in the war, including the status of hostages, death toll, and ongoing military operations.

The Israeli government has confirmed that several civilians and soldiers have been taken as hostages by Hamas, a militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. The exact number of hostages and their conditions remain unclear, but efforts to secure their release are underway. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has assured the public that every effort is being made to bring the hostages home safely and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

In terms of the death toll, the violence has claimed the lives of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians, including children, sparking international outrage and calls for an immediate ceasefire. The Israeli government has reported that dozens of civilians have been killed in the conflict, while Hamas has also suffered significant losses.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have been conducting a series of airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza in an effort to target Hamas militants and their infrastructure. These operations have resulted in the destruction of numerous buildings and key military positions, but they have also sparked concerns about civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis in the densely populated Gaza Strip.

The Israeli government has emphasized that its military actions are aimed at defending the country from Hamas rocket attacks and reducing the group’s capability to launch further assaults. At the same time, the government has expressed its commitment to minimizing civilian casualties and has urged residents of Gaza to evacuate areas targeted for military operations.

The situation remains fluid, with ongoing diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire and bring an end to the bloodshed. The international community has been calling for an immediate de-escalation of the conflict and a return to the negotiating table to address the underlying issues fueling the violence.

As the conflict continues to unfold, the Israeli government is working to keep the public informed about the latest developments and the impact of the war on the country. The government’s updates on the status of hostages, death toll, and military operations provide crucial insights into the evolving situation and the steps being taken to address the crisis.

LiveNOW from FOX continues to closely monitor the Israel-Hamas war and provide the latest updates on this developing story. As the world awaits a resolution to the conflict, the focus remains on finding a path to peace and stability for the people of Israel and the Gaza Strip.

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6 months ago

The world has turned on it's head. The countries that are supposed to be democracies and civilized are proving themselves to be anti democratic genocidal thugs The supposed leaders of the free world are either committing or being complicit in war crimes and genocide. The countries who we would expect to be dodgy on human rights are leading the way against this genocide. Good God how the mighty have fallen and the reputation of those complicit will never be restored. The USA, UK and EU will be damned for generations as the complicit genocidal murderers they are and I hope they will be along side Israel at the War Crimes Tribunal that is clearly needed. I hope they have a very public trial showing the world exactly what these countries have become.

6 months ago

Na čo klame v EÚ že nerozumia arabčine keď Korán je obdobná kniha Mien Kampf

6 months ago

Even if you stand upside down you could not win this War after all the atrocities committed against unarmed civilians, for Isreal even Yemen is MORE THAN ENOUGH

6 months ago

Americans do not want to support Israel genocide of Palestinians.

6 months ago

Israeli govt are liars and cowards. They don't let their kids join IDF but sends other peoples kids to get killed. tHEY ARE NOT hardened soldiers. they are trained to kill unarmed civilians and not fight real combat hardened soldiers. We will see hundreds of Israeli soldiers killed in this ground offensive.

6 months ago

the lie you create
children in gaza hasbeen masacre and genocide not hamas

6 months ago

Free Palestine

6 months ago

Dil you

6 months ago

read the Bible and you will know about the jews

6 months ago

jews pretend that they are innocent people but the fact that they are the the killers and land's lover , they love land
they are bad people that's why GOD scattered them all over the world and they will live in peace

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

inshaallah god will see you what is the meaning of islam

6 months ago

🇵🇸Palestine Free🇵🇸
🇵🇸Palestine Free🇵🇸
🇵🇸Palestine Free🇵🇸
🇵🇸Palestine Free🇵🇸

6 months ago


6 months ago

Why would Israel stop fighting for the land they stole, with our support?

6 months ago

Learn from this war… never attack first and never support terrorism…

6 months ago

We have these devils on the streets of America chanting not even afraid to show themselves . We have become weak america

6 months ago

Sugar coating that’s what he is doing. They have been lying to the world for the past 75 years. Thanks to great journalists in Gaza now exposing these devils. They world finally saw their true faces.

6 months ago

Scores of IDF injured killing innocent women and children.