In JavaScript, variables defined within a function have local scope, meaning they can only be accessed within that function. Variables defined outside of any function have global scope and can be accessed anywhere in the code.
Functions are blocks of code that can be reused by calling the function’s name and passing in any necessary arguments. Functions can also return a value.
In JavaScript, functions are first-class citizens, meaning they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as values from functions. This allows for powerful functional programming capabilities, such as higher-order functions and closures.
Here is an example of local scope and function in JavaScript
let globalVariable = "I am a global variable"; function myFunction() { let localVariable = "I am a local variable"; console.log(globalVariable); // "I am a global variable" console.log(localVariable); // "I am a local variable" } console.log(globalVariable); // "I am a global variable" console.log(localVariable); // ReferenceError: localVariable is not defined
In this example, globalVariable
can be accessed both inside and outside of myFunction
, while localVariable
can only be accessed within myFunction
In addition to local and global scope, JavaScript also has block scope. Variables declared with the let
or const
keyword within a block (a set of curly braces) have block scope and can only be accessed within that block. Variables declared with the var
keyword have function scope, meaning they are only accessible within the function in which they are defined, but not within any block within that function.
Here is an example of block scope in JavaScript:
if (true) { let blockVariable = "I am a block variable"; var functionVariable = "I am a function variable"; } console.log(blockVariable); // ReferenceError: blockVariable is not defined console.log(functionVariable); // "I am a function variable"
In this example, blockVariable
can only be accessed within the block of the if
statement, and trying to access it outside of that block results in a ReferenceError. On the other hand, functionVariable
is accessible outside of the block, because it has function scope.
Functions in JavaScript can also be defined in several ways:
- Function Declaration: A function defined with the
keyword. This type of function is hoisted and can be called before it is defined.
function myFunction() { console.log("I am a function declaration"); } myFunction(); // "I am a function declaration"
- Function Expression: A function defined as a variable assignment. This type of function is not hoisted and can only be called after it is defined.
let myFunction = function() { console.log("I am a function expression"); }; myFunction(); // "I am a function expression"
- Arrow Function: A shorthand syntax for defining functions. It is similar to a function expression.
let myFunction = () => { console.log("I am an arrow function"); }; myFunction(); // "I am an arrow function"
Functions can also take parameters as input, and return values. Functions can also be called with or without arguments, and can also be passed as argument to other function.
JavaScript has a lot of capabilities when it comes to functions and scoping, and understanding these concepts is essential for writing efficient and maintainable code.