
Login with Google using ReactJS utilities: ux_mode redirect

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ReactJS – Utilities – Login with Google: ux_mode redirect

ReactJS – Utilities

In this article, we will discuss how to implement Login with Google using ReactJS and the “ux_mode redirect” option.

Login with Google

Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system that allows users to log in to your website using their Google account. This integration provides a seamless and easy way for users to access your app without creating a new account.

Step 1: Set up Google Sign-In

First, you need to create a Google API project and enable the Google Sign-In API. Then, obtain your client ID from the Google Developers Console.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Next, install the necessary npm packages for Google Sign-In integration in your ReactJS app:

npm install react-google-login

Step 3: Implement Login Component

Create a Login component in your ReactJS app that will handle the Google Sign-In functionality. Use the GoogleLogin component provided by the react-google-login package and pass in your client ID.

import React from ‘react’;
import { GoogleLogin } from ‘react-google-login’;

const Login = () => {
const responseGoogle = (response) => {

return (


export default Login;

By setting the uxMode prop to “redirect”, the user will be redirected to Google’s authentication screens in a new window instead of using the default popup.

Step 4: Handle Login Response

In the responseGoogle function, you can handle the user’s response after they successfully log in with Google. You can store their information in your app’s state or trigger other actions based on the response.


Implementing Login with Google in your ReactJS app using the “ux_mode redirect” option provides a more seamless user experience. Users can log in with their Google account without leaving your app’s interface, improving the overall user flow.