London sees huge pro-Palestine protest calling for permanent ceasefire

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On Saturday, thousands took to the streets of London to demand a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Palestine. The massive pro-Palestine protest saw a sea of people waving Palestinian flags and chanting for an end to the violence that has been ravaging the region for the past few weeks.

The protest, organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, came on the heels of yet another devastating wave of violence in the region. The ongoing conflict has led to the deaths of over 200 Palestinians, including 59 children, and 12 Israelis since tensions flared up in early May.

The protestors demanded that the UK government take a stronger stance against the Israeli government and urged for an immediate cessation of hostilities. They also called for an end to the decades-long Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the implementation of a permanent two-state solution.

The protestors highlighted the disproportionate impact of the conflict on the Palestinian people, who have faced decades of occupation, displacement, and violence. Many of them carried signs and banners bearing the names and faces of those killed in the recent violence, as a stark reminder of the human cost of the conflict.

The protest also drew attention to the role of the international community in perpetuating the conflict. Many speakers at the event called for an end to the UK’s arms sales to Israel and urged the government to use its influence on the international stage to push for peace and justice in the region.

The massive turnout for the protest reflects the growing solidarity for the Palestinian cause in the UK and around the world. Social media has been flooded with images and videos from the protest, with many expressing their support for the Palestinian people and their condemnation of the violence being inflicted upon them.

The massive pro-Palestine protest in London sends a powerful message to world leaders and the international community – the people demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire to end the suffering of the Palestinian people. It is a call for justice, peace, and a future free from violence and oppression for all those living in the region. It is time for the world to heed this call and take meaningful action to bring about a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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6 months ago

Those protests and calls for ceasefire would have been meaningful right after October 8th.

6 months ago

Many protestors of the Russian – Ukrainian war join arms to fight for the Ukrainian against Russia. Many people of different nationalities die for Ukraine. Why are none of these people flying in to fight against Israel? Why are none of the protestors showing solidarity with them on ground zero?

6 months ago

From the river to the sea, palestine will never be. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

6 months ago

DANKE an alle die gegen das verschweigen des jahrzehnte langen Unrechts an den Palástinensern❤auf die Strasse gehen. Die Menschheit làsst sich nicht lànger belûgen!

6 months ago

Free UK 🇬🇧

6 months ago

1:19 says a non Englishmen 😂

6 months ago

All in Western Countries

6 months ago

Free palestine from Hamas. Speak up against sexual violence.

6 months ago

Yes… This is what the UK is now.

6 months ago

Palestine will be free ❤🇵🇸

6 months ago

Absolutely not! The vast majority do not support hamas. And wondering why hamas do not surrender to save their people.

6 months ago

This war like all others will come to an end, but there has never been and never will be a Palestine nation. The Jews will never give up Israel, not now, not 10,000 years from now. The left can cry and cry and cry till the 2nd coming. It effects nothing it changes nothing. They will not be forced out. Their neighbors want nothing do with the conflict. THE IDF is the best military in the Middle East, they are backed by the US, and if all else fails they have nuclear weapons. The Jews will never give up Israel, NEVER.

6 months ago

Britain already being bought by the Islam ideology

6 months ago

Hamas supporters.

6 months ago

Start asking for the British military emergency Hospital to go to GAZA!! All the hospitals have been bombed only one left, overcrowded and doctors and staff are exhausted. Start with the British Parliament ask for help for the burnt, injured and wounded people. The Doctors are pleading.

6 months ago

Every time I watch the "Free Palestine" protest, I will automatically be reminded of MEP Clare Daly, Ireland who fought for Palestinian freedom for many years with her MEP friend Mick Wallace in the European Parliament. It is the result of the two of them's struggle that made the people of Europe now aware and also support Palestine.

6 months ago

Fun Fact: A ceasefire was in effect before October 7th

6 months ago

Yes it is really bad how Arabs have killed Jews for 3000 years!!

6 months ago

Israel is going no were guys!!

6 months ago

Free Palestine 🇵🇸