
Make $1,753 a day with this EASY tech stack

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How I Earn $1,753/Day with this Simple Tech Stack

How I Earn $1,753/Day with this Simple Tech Stack

If you’re looking to boost your income with a simple tech stack, you’ve come to the right place. With just a few tools and platforms, I’ve been able to earn $1,753 per day consistently. Here’s how I do it:

Step 1: Use a Reliable Laptop

Invest in a high-quality laptop with a fast processor and plenty of memory. This will ensure that you can work efficiently without any lag or delays.

Step 2: Learn a Lucrative Skill

Whether it’s web development, digital marketing, or graphic design, mastering a lucrative skill will help you attract clients and command higher rates.

Step 3: Utilize Freelance Platforms

Sign up for freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer to find clients and projects. These platforms connect you with potential clients from around the world.

Step 4: Build a Strong Portfolio

Showcase your skills and previous work in a professional portfolio. This will help potential clients see the quality of your work and trust your expertise.

Step 5: Set Competitive Rates

Research the market rates for your skillset and set competitive pricing. As you gain experience and positive reviews, you can gradually increase your rates.

Step 6: Provide Excellent Customer Service

Deliver projects on time, communicate effectively with clients, and always strive to exceed expectations. Happy clients are more likely to provide positive reviews and refer you to others.

Step 7: Scale Your Business

Once you’ve established a solid client base and reputation, consider expanding your services or hiring additional help to take on more projects and increase your earnings.

By following these steps and utilizing a simple tech stack, you too can earn $1,753 per day or even more. Success in the digital marketplace is within reach, so start building your tech stack and growing your income today!

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2 months ago

14,631 readers get my newsletter every Saturday morning — https://marclou.beehiiv.com

I share everything I learn as a solopreneur: How to find startup ideas, launch fast, and get profitable.

No spam, sponsorship, or email retargeting BS — Just my thoughts and learnings.

2 months ago

Can u make ur startup as open source ?

2 months ago

A Very Great video Marc, can you make an in depth tutorial on making an application with this stack?

2 months ago

Thanks Marc, it really inspires me how you narrow down your tech stack instead of jumping and trying out different stacks. Your work shows a lot. Love from India.

2 months ago

and what are you using for uploading images for example?

2 months ago

great video! does you techstack changed in 2024?

2 months ago

What about the web designs? Do you hire someone?

2 months ago

Love how the tech stack you mentioned is exactly the same that I use lol.
As far as traffic on websites goes no clue how you generated that cause that's the main issue for me right now.
SEO can bring traffic but only to a certain extent.

2 months ago

Hey marc your editor is cool, professional level videos.

2 months ago

Great video! what are you using for editing, it feels great to watch? Thanks for insights!

2 months ago

Tech stack don't matter to customers.

It only matters to the dev to make their app BLAZINGLY FAST 😂

2 months ago

Love the vid man, 10/10
The amount of knwoledge i got from this 6 min vid is huge, thx 💖
The editing is also amazing smooth and doesn't make you lose interest

2 months ago

i am also using the same stack

2 months ago

I want to be like you!

2 months ago

How about the costs for Custom Domains ?

2 months ago

Do u have any video of creating a start to end SAAS?

2 months ago

Awesome approach about telling how to get things done in the easiest/right way. 👍🏻 nice video dude.

2 months ago

M0 clusters have limit of 100 rw ops, so you're not really serving anything special to the traffic. 45K page impressions a month can be easily done with any monitoring tool probling page per minute on single site, so that's almost nil traffic considering there are 21 sites.

The most sucessful site that's displayed on analytics has 3.8k visitors a day, bouncing almost 60% so its like 1.5k users visit and they barely see 2nd page.

Installing next still requires you to have locally cached packages and internet connection.

If this stack is making you almost equal to what selected pool of skilled workers in US after having like a decade of experience then there's seriously something wrong with model or the world. We know what is wrong here so lets move on on utilising 3rd party services.

If you're planning on free services, it literally means free stuff. There's nothing in the world that comes with free label and still generates a value ( Note the premium value as he claims and comapre ). Let alone if you decide on using such service excessively, be ready to pay premium and almost get vendor locked while you scale up with a bit of traction on whatever product you're trying to launch.

So yeah if you still made it this far, go read docs, build stuff and learn core concepts, and don't run after monetory gains.

Software engineering is a decipline, not something that you can learn over night, you have to practice it and there are no shortcuts. Those who take shortcuts always fails within their first years. Learn to respect academics and engineering principles instead blindly following anyone.

2 months ago

You should share you are using serverless as you can now get a botnet attack. Make sure you have enabled WAF

2 months ago

where's the stripe cheatsheet you taked about in the video?