
Making API Calls with SithasoIONIC7 – Using Ionic7 for #b4x, #javascript, #angular, #vuejs, and #react

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SithasoIONIC7 – Executing API Calls

Welcome to SithasoIONIC7 – Executing API Calls

In this article, we will discuss how to execute API calls using SithasoIONIC7, a powerful framework for building cross-platform mobile applications. SithasoIONIC7 is built on top of Angular, Vue.js, and React, and it provides a set of tools and components for building high-quality mobile apps.

Using B4X, JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, and React

SithasoIONIC7 provides support for various programming languages and frameworks, including B4X, JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, and React. This flexibility allows developers to choose the technology stack that best suits their needs.

Executing API Calls

One of the key features of SithasoIONIC7 is its ability to easily execute API calls. This allows developers to integrate their mobile apps with backend services and fetch data from external sources.

To execute an API call in SithasoIONIC7, developers can use standard JavaScript techniques such as the Fetch API or third-party libraries like Axios. The framework provides built-in support for handling HTTP requests and managing responses, making it straightforward to work with APIs.

Example Code

Here’s an example of how to execute an API call in SithasoIONIC7 using the Fetch API:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {

This code snippet demonstrates how to fetch data from the ‘https://api.example.com/data’ endpoint and log the response to the console. With SithasoIONIC7, developers can easily adapt this code to fit their specific API endpoints and data processing requirements.


SithasoIONIC7 provides a robust set of tools for executing API calls in cross-platform mobile applications. With support for B4X, JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, and React, developers can leverage their preferred technology stack to build powerful mobile apps that seamlessly integrate with backend services.

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6 months ago

#ionicframework , #ionic , #b4x #javascript, no #angular no #vuejs no #react

In this reel we execute API calls against the Movies Database and show details about trending movies and their details.