
Making the switch from Gatsby 4 to 5: A guide

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Upgrading from Gatsby 4 to 5

Upgrading from Gatsby 4 to 5

Are you ready to take your Gatsby website to the next level? Then it’s time to upgrade from Gatsby 4 to 5! Gatsby 5 comes with a range of exciting new features and improvements that will enhance the performance and functionality of your website.

What’s New in Gatsby 5?

Gatsby 5 introduces several new features, including improved image loading and performance optimizations, enhanced developer experience with faster builds and better error messaging, and updates to dependencies such as React and webpack.

Upgrading Process

Before upgrading to Gatsby 5, it’s important to check the official Gatsby documentation for any breaking changes or migration steps. This will help ensure a smooth transition and minimize any potential issues.

To upgrade your Gatsby website from version 4 to 5, follow these general steps:

  1. Update your Gatsby project’s package.json file to include the latest version of Gatsby:
              "gatsby": "^5.0.0"
  3. Run the following command in your terminal to update Gatsby and its dependencies:
              npm install gatsby@latest
  5. Review any breaking changes and update your code accordingly, such as changes to APIs or deprecated features.
  6. Test your website locally to ensure everything is functioning as expected.
  7. Once you’re confident with the upgrade, consider deploying your updated Gatsby website to production.

Benefits of Upgrading

By upgrading to Gatsby 5, you can take advantage of improved performance, new features, and better developer tools. Additionally, staying up to date with the latest version of Gatsby will ensure you have access to ongoing support and maintenance from the community.


Upgrading from Gatsby 4 to 5 may require some initial effort, but the benefits of improved performance and new features make it well worth the investment. Be sure to follow the official Gatsby documentation and best practices to ensure a successful upgrade process.