Mali and Niger to Terminate Tax Agreement with France and More News from Network Africa

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Mali and Niger have announced that they will be terminating their tax agreements with France, signaling a shift in their relationship with the former colonial power. The decision comes amidst growing pressure from African nations to review their tax agreements with France and other European countries in order to assert their economic sovereignty.

The tax agreements, known as the double taxation treaties, have long been criticized for allowing French companies to repatriate profits to France without paying taxes in the African countries where they operate. This has resulted in significant revenue losses for the African nations, further exacerbating their economic challenges.

Mali and Niger’s decision to end these tax agreements with France represents a significant step towards reclaiming control over their economic resources. The move is in line with the African Union’s Agenda 2063, which seeks to promote economic self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on external powers.

This decision is also a reflection of the broader shift in the relationship between African countries and their former colonizers. Many African nations are increasingly demanding fairer economic relations with Europe and are seeking to renegotiate trade and tax agreements that have long been skewed in favor of the former colonial powers.

In addition to ending their tax agreements with France, Mali and Niger are also seeking to strengthen their economic ties with other African countries and diversify their trading partners. This reflects a growing trend across the continent, as African nations seek to reduce their reliance on Europe and build stronger economic partnerships within the region.

The move by Mali and Niger is likely to inspire other African countries to re-evaluate their economic relationships with Europe and take steps to assert their economic sovereignty. It sends a powerful message that African nations are no longer willing to accept unfair economic agreements that have been imposed on them by their former colonizers.

As African countries continue to assert their economic sovereignty and demand fairer economic relations with Europe, it is clear that the landscape of international trade and economic cooperation is undergoing a significant shift. The decision by Mali and Niger to end their tax agreements with France is just one part of a broader movement towards economic empowerment and self-determination for African nations.

Ultimately, this shift in economic relations has the potential to foster greater economic development and prosperity for African nations, as they reclaim control over their resources and build stronger economic partnerships within the region. It is a positive step towards a more equitable and mutually beneficial relationship between Africa and the rest of the world.

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6 months ago

This is pan-african politics. This is the politics of Kwame nkrumah, Sekou Ture, amilcar cabral. Which is Guided by scientific socialism.
And dialectic materialism. Which we are talking about in the party of the all african people revolutionary party which I am humbly and graciously part of.🔥🟥⬛️🟩🔥 🇧🇫✊🏿

In French, it's nothing but a corganizer. They are nothing but exploitators and they are nothing but parasitic virus latching onto The west of africa.

But we also got to think about the IMS and the World Bank, which also is latching on. This is a colonial system that needs to be gone to Africa. All of Africa can start to come together and build up one Africa. One people, 1 government, 1 currency.

6 months ago

What is Rwanda looking for there is bad and evil thought behind all this ,
Rwanda is a very poor and over populated country why kagame forcing to take asylum seeks

6 months ago

Damn right

6 months ago

The brothers 🇧🇫🇲🇱🇳🇪are on a serious move 💫❤🇿🇦

6 months ago

how is an african saying RI-wanda

6 months ago

Can AA come help in the fight because trust me they are ready too help and I mean by the 100.000 of thousands!

6 months ago

Never sign anything with your coloniser..

6 months ago

Rwanda will become a dumping ground..

6 months ago

We have to change the way we talk about our people. Bringing someone on who has such a narrow understanding of global geopolitics to use the language of colonizers to dismiss our brothers in the sahel standing up to tyranny as "military juntas" and having an expectation of "democracy" restored as though it is not by these words that the west has kept us destabilized since colonialism ended. Let's stop playing these games. Why does the west demonize Putin xi and the other countries standing up to them, because they're leaders who know how power works as wielded by the west and how a four year election cycle is easily hijacked into regime change while they have their own systems are stable with all parties working to sustain empire. We need stability and room to grow and we must stand and align with our brothers in the sahel if ever we're to throw off this ghastly yoke of capitalism driven neocolonialism. This David Otto guy is a disappointment 😡. My brothers, wake up, my sister's lead us💔😭😭🖤

6 months ago

They shouldn't all unfair treating with European nations. All these treatments were designed to benefit European nations and not Africans. They need to rewrite these treatings that will be beneficial to Africans and will help African nations grow. We are sick entirely Europeans benefiting at our expense. We need treating instead of fair and need to be treated as fair apartments. And not as Neo colonizer's property where they continue to benefit all of our resources. And we get little or nothing in return. We need new treatings that are fair and treat us as partners and not as property of the former colonizers

6 months ago

Rwanda just signed her death warrant

6 months ago

Says the people smuggler?

6 months ago

Three Kings/ what's up with that Europeans personality/ Three Kings

6 months ago

Very Good move 👏🏾👏🏾🤝🏿✊🏾

6 months ago

Africans have to gain some self respect …do for self…wish them all of God’s blessings

6 months ago

More like democratically elected puppets….who didn’t serve the people’s interests. But allowed France to rob Niger’s uranium .80c while the rest of the world was paying $200 ….Stand up for their rights….Fair market prices for our resources

6 months ago

In 50 years time from now riwanda will become Israel and Palestine war