Managing Content in Flask with Froala: From Image Upload to Deletion

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From Image Upload to Deletion: Managing Content in Flask with Froala

From Image Upload to Deletion: Managing Content in Flask with Froala

Flask is a popular web framework for Python that allows developers to create web applications easily. One common task when building a web application is managing user-generated content, such as images. In this article, we will explore how to upload and manage images in Flask using Froala, a WYSIWYG editor that makes it easy for users to add and edit content.

Getting Started

First, we need to install the Froala editor in our Flask application. We can do this by including the Froala editor files in our project directory and linking to them in our HTML templates.



Uploading Images

Next, we need to create a form in our Flask application that allows users to upload images. We can use the Flask-WTF extension to create a form with a file upload field. When the user submits the form, we can save the uploaded image to our server and display it on the page.



Displaying Images

Once the image is uploaded, we can display it on the page using the Froala editor. We can use the “image” plugin to insert the uploaded image into the editor, allowing users to easily add and edit images in their content.


$(function() {
imageUploadURL: ‘/upload_image’


Deleting Images

Finally, we may want to give users the ability to delete images that they have uploaded. We can create a route in our Flask application that accepts a POST request with the URL of the image to delete. When the user clicks on a delete button, we can send a POST request to this route and delete the image from our server.




Managing user-generated content is an important part of building web applications. By using the Froala editor in our Flask application, we can make it easy for users to upload, display, and delete images. With a few simple steps, we can create a user-friendly content management system that allows users to create rich and engaging content on our website.

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5 months ago

🌟 Hey there, Froala fans and fellow developers! 🚀 Excited about what you're seeing in our videos? Why not dive in and experience the magic of Froala yourself?

We've got something special for you: a chance to try Froala firsthand here:

5 months ago

You guys really do have the worst documentation, frankly speaking