
Managing Global State in React Native with Zustand | DEVember Day 17

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Global State Management with Zustand in React Native | DEVember Day 17

Global State Management with Zustand in React Native

Welcome to DEVember Day 17! Today, we’ll be diving into global state management in React Native using Zustand.

What is Zustand?

Zustand is a small, fast and scalable state management solution for React and React Native. It allows you to create global state that can be used across your entire application, making it easy to share data between components.

Setting up Zustand in React Native

To get started with Zustand in React Native, you can install it using npm or yarn:

      npm install zustand
      // or
      yarn add zustand

Once you have Zustand installed, you can create a global state store using the create function:

      import create from 'zustand';

      const useStore = create((set) => ({
        count: 0,
        increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),
        reset: () => set({ count: 0 }),

Using Zustand in React Native Components

Once you have your global state store set up, you can use it in your React Native components by calling the useStore hook:

      import React from 'react';
      import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native';
      import useStore from './useStore';

      const Counter = () => {
        const { count, increment, reset } = useStore();

        return (
            Count: {count}

Benefits of Zustand

Zustand offers a number of benefits for global state management in React Native, including:

  • Easy to use
  • Fast and performant
  • Scalable for large applications
  • Built-in support for React DevTools

By leveraging Zustand, you can easily manage global state in your React Native application without the need for complex solutions like Redux or MobX.


Global state management is an important aspect of building robust and scalable React Native applications. Zustand provides a simple and efficient solution for managing global state, making it a great choice for projects of all sizes.

Thank you for joining us for DEVember Day 17. Be sure to check back tomorrow for more great content!

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6 months ago

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