
Managing Helidon Applications with CLI, Building, Deploying with Docker and Kubernetes

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Helidon CLI, Builds, Docker and Kubernetes

The Power of Helidon: CLI, Builds, Docker and Kubernetes

If you are a developer looking to build microservices in Java, you’ve probably heard of Helidon. Helidon is a collection of Java libraries for writing microservices that run on a fast web core powered by Netty. It provides a lightweight, functional and reactive foundation for building cloud native applications. In this article, we will explore how Helidon CLI, Builds, Docker and Kubernetes can be used to streamline the development and deployment process.

Helidon CLI

The Helidon Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for creating, building and managing Helidon projects. It provides a set of commands for generating new projects, adding dependencies, running tests, and packaging applications. With the Helidon CLI, you can quickly bootstrap a new microservice project and start writing code without having to worry about setting up the project structure and build scripts manually.


Helidon supports various build systems including Maven and Gradle. With these build tools, you can easily compile, test and package your Helidon applications. The build system also allows you to manage dependencies and plugins, ensuring that your project is well-structured and maintainable. Whether you prefer Maven or Gradle, Helidon has got you covered with comprehensive build support.


Once you have built your Helidon microservice, you can containerize it using Docker. Docker is a popular platform for developing, shipping, and running applications inside containers. With Docker, you can create a lightweight, portable container image of your Helidon application, which can be deployed on any platform that supports Docker. This allows for easy and consistent deployment across different environments.


Finally, you can deploy your containerized Helidon microservice on Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform. Kubernetes automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, making it easy to run your Helidon microservices in a distributed environment. With Helm charts and Kubernetes deployments, you can easily manage and scale your Helidon applications in a production-ready manner.

In conclusion, Helidon CLI, Builds, Docker and Kubernetes provide a comprehensive set of tools and technologies for developing and deploying microservices in Java. With Helidon, you can quickly create and build microservices, containerize them with Docker, and deploy them on Kubernetes for efficient and scalable cloud-native applications.