Managing Thundering Herds and Caching Promises in Node.js

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How to Address Thundering Herds and Cache Promises in Node.js

How to Address Thundering Herds and Cache Promises in Node.js

Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building server-side applications. It allows developers to write server-side code using JavaScript, making it easier to build fast and scalable applications. However, there are some common pitfalls that developers may encounter when working with Node.js, such as thundering herds and cache promises.

What are Thundering Herds?

Thundering herds are a performance issue that can occur when a large number of requests are made to a resource that is not ready to handle them all at once. This can lead to a bottleneck and slow down the entire system. In Node.js, this can happen when multiple requests are made to a resource that is being served by a single instance of a Promise or asynchronous function.

How to Address Thundering Herds

One way to address thundering herds in Node.js is to use caching to store the result of the Promise or asynchronous function. By caching the result, subsequent requests can be served from the cache without having to execute the Promise or function again. This can help reduce the load on the system and improve performance.

Using Cache Promises in Node.js

There are several ways to implement cache promises in Node.js. One common approach is to use a library like node-cache to store the result of the Promise or function in memory. This allows subsequent requests to be served from the cache without having to re-execute the Promise or function.

Another approach is to use a dedicated caching service, such as Redis, to store the result of the Promise or function. Redis is a popular in-memory data store that is commonly used for caching in Node.js applications.


Addressing thundering herds and cache promises in Node.js is an important consideration for building high-performance and scalable server-side applications. By using caching to store the result of Promises and asynchronous functions, developers can help reduce the load on the system and improve overall performance. There are various approaches to implementing cache promises in Node.js, and developers should consider the specific requirements of their application when choosing a caching strategy.

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