
March 2020 JS Roundabout: Gatsby JS Data Fetching

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Gatsby JS Data Fetching – JS Roundabout – March 2020

In the fast-paced world of web development, it’s essential to stay up to date with the latest trends and frameworks. One of the most popular frameworks for building blazing fast websites in recent times is Gatsby JS. In this article, we will explore Gatsby JS data fetching and its significance in web development.

What is Gatsby JS?

Gatsby JS is a free and open-source framework based on React that helps developers build performant and optimized websites. It leverages the power of GraphQL to efficiently fetch and manage data and generates static HTML files for each page, allowing for lightning-fast loading times.

One of the core features that make Gatsby JS so appealing is its data fetching capabilities. It allows developers to pull data from various sources, including APIs, Markdown files, CMS systems, and much more.

Data Fetching in Gatsby JS

Gatsby JS provides multiple ways to fetch data, allowing developers to choose the best approach based on their project requirements and preferences.

Static Queries

Static queries are a straightforward way to fetch data that is available during the build time. It is an efficient method to pull data from the project’s source code, such as JSON files or YAML. These queries are written using GraphQL and can be reused across different components.

Page Queries

Page queries are similar to static queries but are specific to a particular page. These queries are defined within the page component and allow developers to pull data dynamically based on the page’s context or path.

Use Static Query Hook

Gatsby JS also provides a hook called “useStaticQuery” that enables data fetching within functional components. This hook can be used to retrieve data from static queries in any component, even if it is not a page component. It simplifies data fetching in functional components and makes it more accessible to developers.

Source Plugins

Gatsby JS has an extensive collection of source plugins that allow developers to fetch data from various sources, including CMS systems like WordPress or Drupal, API endpoints, databases, and markdown files. These plugins make it easy to integrate data from external sources into Gatsby JS projects.

Why is Gatsby JS Data Fetching Important?

Gatsby JS data fetching is crucial for creating dynamic and data-driven websites. It allows developers to source data from different locations and display it in a structured and organized manner on their websites. By fetching data during the build process, Gatsby JS ensures that the website loads fast and efficiently, providing an excellent user experience.

Furthermore, Gatsby JS data fetching enables developers to create content-rich websites without sacrificing performance. They can leverage the power of GraphQL to query only the data they need, optimizing the size of the final build and reducing unnecessary bloat.


Gatsby JS data fetching is a powerful feature that allows developers to fetch data from various sources and build performant websites. With its support for static queries, page queries, hooks, and source plugins, developers have the flexibility to choose the best approach for their projects. Gatsby JS is undoubtedly an excellent choice for developers looking to create fast and data-driven websites.

Stay updated with the latest trends in web development and explore the possibilities that Gatsby JS data fetching brings to your projects!

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Richard Gilbert
7 months ago

Hi Scott! I am looking to do exactly this, and I am finding this video to be quite informative… Thanks!

7 months ago

You didn't even show ehre the config for the apis is defined, this is what I needed to understand and iyou didn't show it.

Sandro Mirijanashvili
7 months ago

how is it possible to talk 23 minutes and not to say anything useful