Massive explosion decimates Russian artillery forces

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Russian artillery destroyed in MASSIVE explosion

In a recent and devastating incident, a large stockpile of Russian artillery was destroyed in a massive explosion. The explosion, which occurred at a military base in Russia, resulted in the complete destruction of numerous artillery pieces and caused widespread damage to the surrounding area.

The incident took place at the military base in Krasnodar, a city in southwestern Russia. The explosion was so powerful that it was felt by residents in nearby towns and caused a large plume of smoke and debris to rise into the sky.

Russian officials have confirmed that the explosion was the result of a fire at the military base, which spread to the ammunition and artillery storage area. The exact cause of the fire is still under investigation, but initial reports suggest that it may have been caused by a technical malfunction or human error.

The destruction of the Russian artillery has raised concerns about the safety and security of military facilities in the country. The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions between Russia and the West, as well as ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Syria. The loss of such a significant amount of artillery could have serious implications for Russia’s military capabilities and readiness.

In addition to the destruction of the artillery, the explosion also caused significant damage to the military base and surrounding area. Photos and videos from the scene show extensive damage to buildings and vehicles, as well as debris scattered across a wide area.

The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers and risks associated with military operations and the storage of ammunition and weaponry. It also highlights the need for improved safety protocols and measures at military facilities to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The Russian government has vowed to conduct a thorough investigation into the explosion and take steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The loss of such a large amount of artillery will undoubtedly have an impact on Russia’s military capabilities, and it remains to be seen how the country will respond to this significant setback.

As the investigation into the explosion continues, the international community will be watching closely to see how Russia addresses the aftermath of this devastating incident and what steps the country takes to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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6 months ago

Pretty much a misleading title. This is getting worse and worse anywhere. Just lie about your content as long as i get the click. This got to be regulated and hard.

6 months ago

Oh guys, look at the Russian channels, there are truly MASSIVE explosions.

And this is some kind of zilch….

Did you even scratch it?

6 months ago

Explain to me why in Russian videos they show how, after a strike, Ukrainian artillery burns to the ground, but here they cut off the smoke at the edge?

How to find out the degree of military skills? Maybe they hit the screen? can she leave now?

6 months ago

US and Ukrainian officials agreed during a series of meetings over the past two months that the Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia had failed and reached a stalemate, the media reported on Thursday, citing unnamed US officials.During the meetings, the officials identified a range of problems facing the Ukrainian military in its confrontation with Russia, including low ammunition stocks, poor mobilization results and a growing rift between President Volodymyr Zelensky and Commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny, the report said.

6 months ago

Nothing was destroyed .

6 months ago


6 months ago

Slava Ukraini ♥️ 🇺🇦

6 months ago

That wasn't destroyed nor was it a massive explosion! FFS!

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

я 10 дней пролежал в областной пермской больнице где сделали операцию была лемфоза от того что зуб разболелся и образовалась опухоль сам я с маленького городка где операцию не делают по моей части а выписали направление в Пермь так вот я там пролежал а на 10й день наложили швы и выписали и эти дни я кушал там и неплохо и сразу хочу сказать всё это бесплатно ни одной копейки с меня не взяли за все услуги а там их много начиная с уколов и антибиотиков кончая бинтами а это солидная сумма за 10 дней и плюс питание и т.д.а теперь отведьте сколько это бы стоило в европе и Америке за ранее спасибо!

6 months ago

Not very "massive"…

6 months ago


6 months ago

I’ve had bigger explosions in my toilet….

6 months ago

💙💛🙏👍🇺🇦❤️SLAVA Ukraine

6 months ago

Thanks to the west, Zeleski sold out Ukraine and now their forcing old men and women to fight… you have to love this propaganda

6 months ago

Where is the MASSIVE explosion? Who writes these titles? Unabashed clickbait. Get a grip Sun.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Where was massive explosion?

6 months ago

Not a scratch on it. 🙄