Massive Update Released for FastAPI

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FastAPI has recently released a major update that brings exciting new features and improvements to the already popular web framework for building APIs with Python. In this tutorial, I will walk you through the key changes and additions in FastAPI version X.X and show you how to make the most of them in your projects.

First and foremost, one of the biggest updates in this release is the introduction of asynchronous support. FastAPI now fully supports asynchronous programming, allowing you to leverage the power of async/await syntax to write more efficient and responsive APIs. This means you can now create asynchronous endpoints, middleware, and dependencies in your FastAPI applications, making it easier to handle long-running operations and achieve better performance.

Another significant improvement in this update is the addition of request validation and serialization features. FastAPI now includes built-in support for automatically validating incoming request data and serializing responses, making it easier to handle input and output data in a safe and reliable way. With the new validation and serialization capabilities, you can define data models using Pydantic schemas and have FastAPI automatically validate request data against these models, ensuring that only valid data is processed by your API.

Additionally, FastAPI now offers improved error handling and response customization features. You can define custom error handlers to handle specific types of errors or provide custom responses for different error scenarios. This gives you more control over how errors are handled and allows you to create more informative and user-friendly error messages for your API consumers.

In terms of performance, FastAPI has also been optimized to provide faster response times and lower resource utilization. The new release includes optimizations for routing, dependency injection, and response serialization, resulting in improved overall performance for your FastAPI applications. These optimizations make FastAPI even faster and more efficient, allowing you to build high-performance APIs with minimal overhead.

To take advantage of these new features and improvements in FastAPI, you will need to upgrade to the latest version of the framework. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install fastapi --upgrade

Once you have updated FastAPI to the latest version, you can start using the new features in your projects. To create an asynchronous endpoint, simply decorate your endpoint function with the async keyword, like this:

from fastapi import APIRouter

router = APIRouter()

async def async_endpoint():
    return {'message': 'Hello, FastAPI!'}

To define a data model and validate incoming request data, you can use Pydantic schemas in your endpoint function parameters, like this:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import APIRouter

router = APIRouter()

class Item(BaseModel):
    name: str
    price: float'/create_item')
async def create_item(item: Item):
    return item

To customize error handling and responses, you can define custom error handlers in your application, like this:

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException

app = FastAPI()

async def http_exception_handler(request, exc):
    return JSONResponse(content={'error': str(exc)}, status_code=exc.status_code)

With these new features and improvements, FastAPI is now more powerful and flexible than ever before. Whether you are building a simple REST API or a complex web application, FastAPI can help you create fast, efficient, and reliable APIs with ease. So go ahead and upgrade to the latest version of FastAPI, and start building amazing APIs today!

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1 month ago

Silly question? Are API end points a Restful API? Also, I am debating between Golang and FastAPI when creating a restful API. I need to create one for my React project. My project isn't too complicated since I am at the beginner stages. It will be a basic crud app. Which one in your opinion has a fast development time. I am familiar with the basics of Python, and I have a little bit of an understanding of GO, Go is much different compared to JavaScript and Python. The pointers took me a while to figure out but now I understand Go pointers but haven't learned Go structs yet. Any thoughts? If you aren't familiar with Golang I would appreciate just your personal take on FastAPI development compared to Django or Flask.

1 month ago

still slower than .net core i think.

1 month ago

Hi Eric! Your videos are really helpful, you can express every complex thing so clear and easily even when I'm not english native! Thanks a lot, I love your work.

1 month ago

Great video, although it would have been nice to at least take a few seconds to explain why any or all of these updates boosts the speed of data validation by 5x-50x.

1 month ago

Can we use fastapi with odoo since odoo is not asynchronous

1 month ago

I've taken your fastapi course on Udemy (EXCELLENT BTW). Do you plan on updating it with the updated changes??

1 month ago

what about sqlmodel ?

1 month ago

hey ,what theme vscode you use .btw video was good