Master Python Quickly in 2024: A Comprehensive Roadmap

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How to MASTER Python FAST in 2024 – FULL ROADMAP

How to MASTER Python FAST in 2024 – FULL ROADMAP

If you’re looking to become a Python expert in a short amount of time, you’ve come to the right place! With the right roadmap and dedication, you can master Python quickly and efficiently by following these steps:

Step 1: Learn the Basics

Before diving into more advanced topics, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the basic concepts of Python. This includes learning about variables, data types, operators, control flow, functions, and more.

Step 2: Practice Coding

One of the best ways to improve your Python skills is by practicing coding regularly. This can be done through coding challenges, projects, or even just writing small scripts to automate tasks.

Step 3: Take Online Courses

There are many online courses and tutorials available that cover a wide range of Python topics. Taking these courses can help you deepen your understanding of Python and learn new concepts and techniques.

Step 4: Join a Python Community

Joining a Python community can provide you with access to resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. It can also help you stay motivated and engaged with your learning journey.

Step 5: Build Projects

One of the best ways to solidify your Python skills is by building projects. This can be anything from a simple calculator to a full-fledged web application. By working on projects, you can apply what you’ve learned and gain practical experience.

Step 6: Stay Updated

Python is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay updated on the latest trends and developments. Follow Python blogs, attend conferences, and participate in online forums to stay current with the Python community.

By following this roadmap and staying dedicated to your learning journey, you can master Python in no time. Good luck!

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4 months ago

🚀 Zero to Python Developer: Full Course –

4 months ago

I think most of them is for beginer level.. And all videos like that don't focus strictly on Python knowledge, but talks about Python usage.. Intermediate level for me is metaprogramming, typing (with generics, protocols, etc- practical usage fluency), manipulating code, analysing and checking structure, fluency in packaging, knowledge of Python internal package and PEPs existence. And as expert you should know actual PEPs, ABI, writing C extensions (and maybe Rust, but its not directly Python internal resource), WebAssembly (it's in Python implementation now as I remember), advanced practical usage, creating new or customising base "type", "object" classes, low level process interactions, low-level memory and so on. 99% of "youtube masters" didn't even know what im talking about and making roadmaps..
Beginner – fluency in everything used for building some solutions without knowledge of building reusable underlying components
Intermediate – fluency in building reusable solutions to build specific solutions on top of it faster or better
Expert – knowledge about implementation of Python and fluency in modifying and extending Python

So Experts creates environment for project and build advanced tools, Intermediate builds generic modules, and focus on project level things (like base classes for ORM) and begginers solves specific problems and build functionalities following standards

4 months ago

I didn't get the roadmap.

4 months ago

Very stupid video…

4 months ago

Is it relevant to start learning Python in 2024, if i wanna be a proggramer?

4 months ago

Use it for everything..
Use it even for tasks that may not need it.

4 months ago

Having OOP said, you should also mention SOLID, clean code, design patterns

4 months ago

your neck got lot of kiss

4 months ago

I missed your algo sale.because i was abroad and the internet connection wasnt allowing me to pruchase the course. Any chance of another sale ?

4 months ago

00:01 Roadmap for mastering Python from beginner to advanced
01:53 Fundamentals of programming: variables, data types, functions, if-else statements, and loops.
03:49 Understanding Python building blocks and object-oriented programming
05:42 Using libraries and modules in Python programming
07:35 Modifying lists and object references in Python functions.
09:25 Python for web development and data science
11:16 Python for Machine Learning and Data Management
13:07 Importance of testing in large codebases
14:46 Master Python and become a professional developer.

4 months ago

quite informative

4 months ago

Just started my python course at my university this week. I am excited to be taking classes that actually go towards my degree to become a software engineer.

4 months ago

Is freepascal Lazarus a good choice for starting?

4 months ago

Can you review on cs50p
I wanna know if it is worth it

4 months ago

Is it even worth it to learn anymore?

4 months ago

Beautiful 🤩

4 months ago

thank you for the info Internet Made Coder! i'v been using python to learn for a while now and ive been mainly focusing on mastering Tkinter since its a built in and easier to learn module for gui apps but ever since finding out that you can make all of this from scratch, i felt like a cheater cuz ik i was using some module to make these gui apps but since i watched your video! and you said that its useless to make all of this from scratch! now you made me feel better and not feel like a cheater for using modules! cuz i now know that there are others out there that would rather not do all of the stuff like Tkinter and ect from scratch so thank you for this video! 🙂

4 months ago

Asyncio, corutine, object relational mapping, GUI, CLI, FFI, metaprogramming

4 months ago

Thank you for this video I thought wasn’t moving along fast enough over the last 2 weeks since I started learning but I’ve got all your basic 5. Concepts down and I saw your other video about data structure and algorithms you do a very good job of breaking things down for noobs like me😀🤝

4 months ago

Thanks for the information @internetMadeCoder but i have a question i struggle at learning programming languages which makee it frustrating and make the process feel tiring i went online and there something when am learning from the video it seems pretty easy and but when i want to use it to try and solve maaybe exercises it feels difficult and also forget of what i learnt the previous days and also how do i work on this and be able to learn better