
Master SignalR and Create Your Own Chat App with C# and ASP.NET

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Create Your Own Chat App: SignalR Mastery in C# & ASP.NET

Create Your Own Chat App: SignalR Mastery in C# & ASP.NET

Are you looking to create your own chat application using C# and ASP.NET? Look no further than SignalR, a powerful real-time web application framework. With SignalR, you can easily build interactive web applications that allow for real-time communication between clients and the server. In this article, we will explore how you can master SignalR to create your own chat app.

What is SignalR?

SignalR is a library for ASP.NET developers that simplifies the process of adding real-time web functionality to applications. It allows for bi-directional communication between the server and the client, enabling real-time updates to be sent to all connected clients. This is incredibly useful for building chat applications, multiplayer games, and collaborative tools.

Getting Started with SignalR

To get started with SignalR, you will need to have a basic understanding of C# and ASP.NET. Once you have a working knowledge of these technologies, you can start by creating a new ASP.NET project in Visual Studio. You can then install the SignalR package using NuGet, and start building your application.

Creating a Real-Time Chat App

One of the most common use cases for SignalR is creating a real-time chat application. With SignalR, you can easily implement features such as sending and receiving messages in real-time, updating the chat UI with new messages, and notifying users when new messages are received.

Mastering SignalR

Once you have mastered the basics of SignalR, you can start exploring more advanced features such as scaling your application for a large number of concurrent users, implementing security and authentication, and integrating SignalR with other technologies such as Angular or React.


SignalR is a powerful tool for creating real-time web applications, and mastering it can open up a world of possibilities for building interactive and engaging applications. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can create your own chat app using SignalR in C# and ASP.NET.

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7 months ago

Where is the source code??

7 months ago

please provied source code

Dot Net Tech
7 months ago

💻 I have built a complete chat application with proper UI,

[ASP.NET+SiglanR+jQUery+AdminLTE+MSSQL+EF+Code First]


7 months ago

Every key line of code is well explained in plain english and not technical. Great tutorial.

7 months ago

Hi Nick!, where do I get the documentation for this? Or is the source code on github?

Nieze Ben Mansour
7 months ago

You have have a great channel, thnak you for this content!

Temmy Tory
7 months ago

Hi nick, Great video.
Quick question:Is there a way to leverage signalR with SQL CDCand general real time datat changes tracking in the database?

7 months ago

Nice one there. Please do you have a video on how i can create rest api project using MVC Razor views

7 months ago


Rowan Lea
7 months ago

Really love this deep dive into exactly how SignalR works, it captures every element you want to think about and explains the process around it, would definitely recommend this to anyone wanting to learn SignalR, or WebSockets in general!

Bjarne Nilsson
7 months ago

Yea it's probably a smart idea to let the hub provide the timestamps as you would at least have a consistent source of hat time it is, and to simplify cluent implementation even further use utc so the client only needs to worry about offsey berween utc and whatever rhe user wanr without needing to think about what tz the server is in

Cyril Douglas
7 months ago

I would like to see more of signalR, maybe for dashboards with ChartJs? it would be great if you cover something like this.