Master the Internationalization of Your Angular Apps Using @angular/localize

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In today’s globalized world, it’s important for developers to consider internationalization when building web applications. This is particularly important for Angular developers, as they seek to create apps that can be used by people from different cultural and language backgrounds. In this article, we will explore how to internationalize Angular apps using the @angular/localize package.

So, what exactly is internationalization? Internationalization, often abbreviated as i18n, is the process of designing and developing software that can be easily adapted to different languages and regions. This involves translating text and adjusting other elements of a user interface to accommodate different cultural norms and expectations.

The @angular/localize package, which was introduced in Angular 9, provides a set of tools for internationalizing Angular applications. This package allows developers to easily manage translations and customize their app for different languages and regions. By using @angular/localize, developers can make their apps more accessible and usable for a global audience.

To get started with internationalizing your Angular app, you’ll first need to install the @angular/localize package. This can be done using the npm package manager by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install @angular/localize

Once you have the package installed, you can begin internationalizing your app by using the i18n attribute in your HTML templates. The i18n attribute allows you to mark strings for translation, making it easier for translators to identify which text needs to be translated.

For example, suppose you have a button in your app with the text “Click me” that you want to translate into different languages. You would add the i18n attribute to the button element like this:



By doing this, you are marking the “Click me” text for translation. You can then use the Angular CLI to extract all marked strings into a translation file, which can be sent to translators for localization.

In addition to using the i18n attribute, the @angular/localize package also provides a set of pipes that can be used to format numbers, dates, and currencies according to different cultural norms. These pipes allow you to easily display information in a way that is familiar to users from different regions.

To use the number, date, or currency pipes, you simply add them to your HTML templates and pass in the value that you want to format. For example, to display a date in a specific format, you would use the date pipe like this:

{{ today | date: ‘medium’ }}

This would display the date in a medium-length format, which is appropriate for users in many different cultures.

In conclusion, internationalizing your Angular app with the @angular/localize package is an essential step in making your app accessible to a global audience. By using the tools provided by @angular/localize, you can easily manage translations, format data according to different cultural norms, and create a more inclusive user experience. So, whether you’re building an app for a specific region or for a global audience, be sure to consider internationalization from the start.

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7 months ago

Can you explain how to deploy the dist file?

7 months ago

In my enviroment using node 16 localize not work, don't throw any erro just not translate, i download your version from github and doesn't work, i create an new app with local cli version 12 and works but apps with 15+ version doesn't work at all.

7 months ago

how can we do it for MFE based angular application? All I need is to switch language in shell and need to change the language in remote projects using angular/localize? Is it possible?