
Master the useEffect Hook in 60 Seconds #ReactJS #Programming #Code #Shorts

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UseEffect Master the Hook

#shorts – UseEffect Master the Hook

If you’re a React developer, you’ve probably heard of the useEffect hook. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to perform side effects in your functional components. In just 60 seconds, you can master this hook and take your React skills to the next level.

What is useEffect?

The useEffect hook in React allows you to perform side effects in your functional components. This could be anything from fetching data from an API, updating the DOM, or subscribing to events.

How to use useEffect

To use the useEffect hook, you simply need to import it from the ‘react’ library and call it within your functional component. You pass in a function as the first argument, which will be executed after every render.


      import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

      function App() {
        useEffect(() => {
          console.log('Component mounted');
        }, []);

UseEffect Master the Hook
; }


With just a few lines of code, you can leverage the power of the useEffect hook in React. Whether you’re fetching data, updating the DOM, or subscribing to events, useEffect is a versatile tool that every React developer should master.

#reactjs #programming #code