
Master Unit Testing of Angular Components using RouterTestingHarness

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Learn How to Unit Test Angular Components with RouterTestingHarness

Learn How to Unit Test Angular Components with RouterTestingHarness

If you’re working with Angular, you know the importance of unit testing your components. It’s essential to ensure that your code is robust and free of bugs. Angular provides a powerful tool for testing components with RouterTestingHarness, which allows you to test Angular components that use the Angular router.

What is RouterTestingHarness?

RouterTestingHarness is a utility provided by Angular that allows you to test components that use the Angular router. It provides a set of methods and properties for interacting with the router and navigating between routes in your tests. With RouterTestingHarness, you can simulate user navigation and test the behavior of your components under different routing scenarios.

How to Use RouterTestingHarness

To use RouterTestingHarness, you’ll need to set up your testing environment with the necessary dependencies and imports. Once you have everything in place, you can create tests for your components that use the Angular router. Here’s a basic example of how to use RouterTestingHarness in your unit tests:

import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { RouterTestingHarness } from '@angular/router/testing';

describe('MyComponent', () => {
  let router: Router;
  let routerTestingHarness: RouterTestingHarness;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      imports: [RouterTestingModule],
      declarations: [MyComponent]

    router = TestBed.inject(Router);
    routerTestingHarness = await TestBed.get(RouterTestingHarness);

  it('should navigate to the correct route', async () => {
    // Use RouterTestingHarness to simulate navigation and test the behavior of your component
    await routerTestingHarness.navigate({pathname: '/my-route'});

Benefits of Using RouterTestingHarness

RouterTestingHarness provides several benefits for testing Angular components that use the router. It allows you to test the behavior of your components in different routing scenarios, such as navigating to a specific route, handling route parameters, and handling route navigation events. With RouterTestingHarness, you can ensure that your components are functioning as expected and handle routing-related logic and behavior correctly.


Unit testing Angular components with RouterTestingHarness is an essential part of ensuring the quality and reliability of your Angular applications. By using RouterTestingHarness, you can simulate user navigation, test the behavior of your components under different routing scenarios, and ensure that your components handle routing-related logic and behavior correctly. With the power of RouterTestingHarness, you can confidently test your Angular components that use the router and make sure that they work as intended.

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Jay Cee Niet
7 months ago

I really like your tutorials! Your way of teaching is great and me and my friends are watching your channel! I hope you can do a project like CRUD implementation with all the lessons like RouteGuard, Role Bassed, Interceptors and some more stuff that a junior web dev or an intern really needs to learn! I am slowly learning especially the jumping of components and connecting them one another just like a div haha! Please continue the way you do the videos, even the smallest detail you really explain it. Thank you for this! Thank you!

Hands On Javascript
7 months ago

Great video, one question.. How do you completely eliminate the keystrokes sound in the video? Do u do voiceover after recording? or do you use some software to eliminate keystrokes?..

Darius Laurinčikas
7 months ago

Guard as I know can be test as simple class by not using any other parts of angular like testbed . If more then one part of angular is needed to be able to test code lets call them integration tests. And usualy units test don't need query selectors. Integration test dose.

Ar Am
7 months ago

Haven't watched the video yet, but just by reading the title – you're a true gem!!! Can't appreciate angular testing education enough!