
Mastering Full Stack Development: Implementing Authentication with NextJS, NestJS and Graphql

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Full Stack Like a Pro: AUTH with NextJS, NestJS and Graphql

Full Stack Like a Pro: AUTH with NextJS, NestJS and Graphql

Authentication is a crucial aspect of any web application, and when it comes to building a full stack application, handling authentication can be quite complex. In this article, we will explore how to implement authentication in a full stack application using NextJS, NestJS, and Graphql.


NextJS is a popular React framework that allows you to build server-side rendered React applications with ease. When it comes to authentication, NextJS provides a built-in Authentication API that allows you to authenticate users with various providers such as Google, Facebook, and GitHub. You can also implement custom authentication logic using NextJS plugins like NextAuth.js.


NestJS is a Node.js framework that is built with TypeScript and is known for its efficient and scalable architecture. When it comes to authentication, NestJS provides a robust module called Passport that allows you to implement various authentication strategies such as local, JWT, and OAuth. You can easily integrate Passport with NestJS GraphQL to secure your GraphQL endpoints.


GraphQL is a query language for your API that allows you to request only the data you need, making it a powerful tool for building efficient APIs. When it comes to authentication, you can implement authentication logic in your GraphQL resolvers using middleware functions provided by libraries like Apollo Server or Prisma. You can also secure your GraphQL endpoints by implementing authorization logic to restrict access to certain data based on the user’s role.

By combining NextJS, NestJS, and GraphQL, you can build a full stack application with a secure and efficient authentication system. Whether you are building a social media platform, an e-commerce website, or a productivity tool, implementing authentication with NextJS, NestJS, and GraphQL will help you build a reliable and robust application.

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3 months ago

Thank you so much for this amazing series of videos!
I saw on github that you removed the API from the monorepo, is there a reason for that ?

3 months ago

Monorepo with nextjs + nestjs using drizzle and next-auth with the drizzle adapter would be cool video to watch

3 months ago

Greate!! I love your videos!

3 months ago

I hope you will keep making videos.

3 months ago

Now sir you are regular ❤❤

3 months ago

Exactly what I was looking for!

3 months ago
