Mastering Go’s Marshalling: Building Neural Networks from Scratch in Go

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In this tutorial, we will learn about marshalling in Go and how to implement a simple neural network from scratch in Go. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a basic understanding of how to use marshalling in Go, as well as a basic implementation of a neural network in Go.

Marshalling in Go refers to the process of converting data into a byte slice so that it can be written to a file, sent over the network, or stored in a database. Go provides several ways to marshal data, including the encoding/json and encoding/xml packages.

To get started with marshalling in Go, let’s first create a simple struct that we will marshal into a byte slice. Open a new file called main.go and write the following code:

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name   string
    Age    int
    Email  string

func main() {
    p := Person{Name: "John Doe", Age: 30, Email: ""}

    data, err := json.Marshal(p)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error marshalling data:", err)


In this code, we define a Person struct with three fields: Name, Age, and Email. In the main function, we create an instance of the Person struct and marshal it into a byte slice using the json.Marshal function. We then print the marshalled data to the console.

To run this code, save the file and run go run main.go in your terminal. You should see the following output:

{"Name":"John Doe","Age":30,"Email":""}

This output is a JSON representation of the Person struct that we marshalled into a byte slice.

Now that we have a basic understanding of marshalling in Go, let’s move on to implementing a simple neural network from scratch in Go. Neural networks are a powerful tool for solving complex machine learning problems, and by implementing one from scratch, we can gain a better understanding of how they work.

We will create a simple feedforward neural network with one hidden layer using the sigmoid activation function. Open a new file called neuralnetwork.go and write the following code:

package main

import (

type NeuralNetwork struct {
    inputNodes  int
    hiddenNodes int
    outputNodes int

    weightsInputHidden [][]float64
    weightsHiddenOutput [][]float64

func NewNeuralNetwork(inputNodes, hiddenNodes, outputNodes int) *NeuralNetwork {
    nn := &NeuralNetwork{
        inputNodes:  inputNodes,
        hiddenNodes: hiddenNodes,
        outputNodes: outputNodes,

    nn.weightsInputHidden = make([][]float64, nn.hiddenNodes)
    for i := range nn.weightsInputHidden {
        nn.weightsInputHidden[i] = make([]float64, nn.inputNodes)

    nn.weightsHiddenOutput = make([][]float64, nn.outputNodes)
    for i := range nn.weightsHiddenOutput {
        nn.weightsHiddenOutput[i] = make([]float64, nn.hiddenNodes)

    // Initialize weights with random values

    return nn

func (nn *NeuralNetwork) randomizeWeights() {
    // Randomize weights between -1 and 1
    for i := 0; i < nn.hiddenNodes; i++ {
        for j := 0; j < nn.inputNodes; j++ {
            nn.weightsInputHidden[i][j] = rand.Float64()*2 - 1

    for i := 0; i < nn.outputNodes; i++ {
        for j := 0; j < nn.hiddenNodes; j++ {
            nn.weightsHiddenOutput[i][j] = rand.Float64()*2 - 1

func (nn *NeuralNetwork) sigmoid(x float64) float64 {
    return 1 / (1 + math.Exp(-x))

func main() {
    // Create a new neural network with 2 input nodes, 2 hidden nodes, and 1 output node
    nn := NewNeuralNetwork(2, 2, 1)

In this code, we define a NeuralNetwork struct with fields for the number of input nodes, hidden nodes, output nodes, and weights between the input and hidden layers and the hidden and output layers. We also define a NewNeuralNetwork constructor function that initializes the neural network with random weights and a sigmoid activation function.

To run this code, save the file and add the following import statement to your main.go file:

import "math/rand"

Then, in your main function, create a new instance of the neural network with the specified number of input, hidden, and output nodes:

func main() {
    // Create a new neural network with 2 input nodes, 2 hidden nodes, and 1 output node
    nn := NewNeuralNetwork(2, 2, 1)

Run go run main.go neuralnetwork.go in your terminal to see the neural network in action.

In this tutorial, we learned about marshalling in Go and how to implement a simple feedforward neural network from scratch in Go. We covered the basics of marshalling data using JSON and implementing a basic neural network with a sigmoid activation function.

Feel free to experiment with the neural network implementation by adding more layers, different activation functions, or training algorithms. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of neural networks and machine learning in Go.

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