“Mastering Node.Js: Essential Interview Questions & Answers PART 3” #nodejs #programming #learning

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Node.Js Interview Questions PART 3

Node.Js Interview Questions PART 3

If you are preparing for a Node.Js interview, it’s important to be well-versed in the concepts and practices related to Node.Js development. Here are some more interview questions to help you prepare:

Question 1: What is an EventEmitter in Node.Js?

An EventEmitter is a class in Node.Js that allows multiple functions to be attached to a single event. When the event is triggered, all the attached functions are called asynchronously. This is a central feature of Node.Js, as it allows for asynchronous, event-driven programming.

Question 2: What is the purpose of buffer class in Node.Js?

The buffer class in Node.Js is used to handle binary data, such as reading and writing files, handling network protocols, and working with streams. It provides a way to work with raw memory allocations, which is useful for dealing with binary data.

Question 3: What is the role of npm in Node.Js?

npm, which stands for Node Package Manager, is the default package manager for Node.Js. It is used to install, share, and manage packages of Node.Js modules. It also helps in managing project dependencies efficiently and provides a central repository for all the packages and modules.

Question 4: What are streams in Node.Js?

Streams in Node.Js are objects that allow for the reading and writing of data to be done in chunks, rather than all at once. This is particularly useful for processing large amounts of data, as it allows for efficient memory usage and faster processing times.

Question 5: Explain the purpose of the fs module in Node.Js

The fs module in Node.Js is used for file I/O operations. It provides functions for reading and writing files, as well as other file-related operations such as creating, renaming, and deleting files. This module is essential for working with files and directories in a Node.Js application.

These are just a few examples of the types of questions you may encounter in a Node.Js interview. It’s important to have a solid understanding of the concepts and best practices associated with Node.Js development in order to excel in your interview. Good luck!

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