
Maximize data retrieval efficiency using the updated `cache` feature in NextJs

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Optimize data fetching with the new `cache` function in NextJs

NextJs has introduced a new `cache` function that allows you to optimize data fetching in your application. This new feature can help improve performance and reduce unnecessary calls to APIs, resulting in a faster and smoother user experience. Let’s take a look at how you can utilize the `cache` function in your NextJs project.

What is the `cache` function?

The `cache` function in NextJs allows you to store the results of data fetching functions so that they can be reused across different parts of your application. This means that if you make the same API call multiple times, the data will only be fetched once and then stored in the cache for future use. This can help reduce the number of API calls and improve the overall performance of your application.

How to use the `cache` function

Using the `cache` function in NextJs is simple and straightforward. Here’s an example of how you can implement it in your project:

import { cache } from ‘nextjs-cache’;

const fetchData = async () => {
const response = await fetch(‘https://api.example.com/data’);
const data = await response.json();
return data;

const getData = cache(fetchData);

// Call the getData function whenever you need to fetch data
const myData = getData();

In this example, we first define a function called `fetchData` that makes an API call to retrieve data. We then use the `cache` function to create a new function called `getData` that will fetch the data and store it in the cache. Whenever we need to fetch the data, we can simply call the `getData` function.

Benefits of using the `cache` function

There are several benefits to using the `cache` function in NextJs:

  • Improved performance: By storing data in the cache, you can reduce the number of API calls and improve the overall performance of your application.
  • Reduced network traffic: Since data is stored in the cache, you can avoid making unnecessary API calls and reduce network traffic.
  • Consistent data: By reusing data from the cache, you can ensure that your application always displays the most up-to-date information.

Overall, the `cache` function in NextJs is a powerful tool that can help you optimize data fetching in your application. By using the cache function, you can improve performance, reduce network traffic, and ensure that your application always displays the most current data.

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3 months ago

You are my new hero! best vibes from Nicaragua!

3 months ago

Great explanation Hamed! Definitely an important topic to understand. You made it very clear using good examples! Thanks!

3 months ago

Hi Hamed, thorough explanation again. Im wondering what would be the difference here between this new cache feature from react and Next.js's built in de-duping? They both eliminate redundant API calls in the same render pass?

3 months ago

Hey man, do I need to know a programming language other than Javascript for landing my first role? I'm based in the middle east, I'm sure you know how much of a mess it is lol.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Respected Sir,
I have a doubt, what can be done if external API used is currently down, how can we shift in maintenance mode or something like that ?

3 months ago

I found a bug !!!!! There's a hole in your shirt 👚 👚

3 months ago

Thank u Hamed

3 months ago

This is better than docs

3 months ago

Hi Hamed, thanks for the great info, I love the channel!

Question for you: Let's say I have quite a few inputs to a cached function. Passing an object into a cached function causes cache misses unless you are passing the same object reference. Passing all parameters individually seems like it could be an anti-pattern or at the very least get pretty ugly. Do you have any tips on how to avoid something like cache((param1, param2, param3, param4, …etc) => {…})?

3 months ago

Sir can you please share your next js notes it would be super helpful.

3 months ago

Thanks Sir.

3 months ago

Thank you for the valuable tutorials ❤

3 months ago

It is a good video. Something learn good. Sir, can you please make video on next js frountend and node js backend authentication using next js middleware and protect route base on roles admin user and sub admin