Maximize Video Performance in Next.js with Next Cloudinary – Developer Pointers

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Optimize Videos in Next.js with Next Cloudinary – Dev Hints

Optimize Videos in Next.js with Next Cloudinary

If you are building a website using Next.js and want to optimize the performance of your videos, Next Cloudinary is a great option to consider. With Next Cloudinary, you can easily upload, optimize, and deliver videos in your Next.js application. In this article, we will explore how to optimize videos in Next.js using Next Cloudinary.

Getting Started

To get started with Next Cloudinary, you will first need to sign up for a Cloudinary account and obtain your cloud name, API key, and API secret. Once you have these credentials, you can install the Cloudinary JavaScript library in your Next.js application by adding the following script tag to your HTML file:

Uploading and Optimizing Videos

After including the Cloudinary JavaScript library in your Next.js application, you can start uploading and optimizing videos. Use the following code snippet to upload a video to Cloudinary and display it on your Next.js website:

Your browser does not support the video tag.

Replace “your_cloud_name” with your actual cloud name and “your_video” with the name of the video file you uploaded to Cloudinary. This code will display the video on your Next.js website and take advantage of Cloudinary’s optimization features for faster loading times and improved performance.

Delivering Videos with Next Cloudinary

Next Cloudinary also provides a way to deliver optimized videos for different devices and screen sizes. By using Cloudinary’s responsive video delivery feature, you can ensure that your videos look great on all devices without sacrificing performance.

Here’s an example of how to use Cloudinary’s responsive video delivery in your Next.js application:

const videoUrl ="sample", {
width: 300,
crop: "scale"


Your browser does not support the video tag.


By using the function and specifying the desired width and crop options, you can deliver optimized videos to your Next.js website with ease.


Next Cloudinary is a powerful tool for optimizing videos in your Next.js application. By leveraging Cloudinary’s features, you can upload, optimize, and deliver videos with improved performance and user experience. Consider implementing Next Cloudinary in your Next.js project to take advantage of its optimization capabilities and elevate the quality of your video content.

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4 months ago

Okay, I got an mp4 video, when i make the path without .mp4 extension at the end, it does not play at all, but when I add .mp4 extension it does play, but like without compressing the video, how can I deal with it ?

4 months ago
