
Meeting 12 – Fullstack (2023) Batch 1 – Essential Concepts of Express JS as Back-End

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Pertemuan 12 – Fullstack (2023) Batch 1 – Fundamental Express JS as Back-End

Welcome to Pertemuan 12 – Fullstack (2023) Batch 1!

If you’re part of the Fullstack (2023) Batch 1, then you’ve come to the right place. This pertemuan will focus on the fundamental of using Express JS as the back-end for your web applications.

What to Expect

During this pertemuan, you can expect to learn the basics of setting up and using Express.js to build the back-end of your web applications. This includes creating routes, handling requests and responses, and integrating middleware.

Why Learn Express JS?

Express.js is a popular framework for building web applications in Node.js. It is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and performance. By learning Express.js, you’ll be able to create powerful and scalable back-end systems for your web projects.

Key Topics

Some of the key topics that will be covered in this pertemuan include:

  • Setting up a basic Express.js application
  • Creating and handling routes
  • Using middleware for authentication and request processing
  • Integrating with databases using tools like Sequelize or Mongoose

Get Ready to Code

Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your computer before the pertemuan begins. You’ll also want to have a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text ready to go. Get ready to dive into some hands-on coding to solidify your understanding of Express.js!


We hope you’re excited to learn about Express.js and how it can supercharge the back-end of your web applications. By the end of this pertemuan, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to use Express.js to build robust and efficient back-end systems for your projects.