MEISKA: Kepala Keras dan Lirik Yang Kuat

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Lirik Keras Kepala is a popular Indonesian song by the singer Meiska. The song has gained immense popularity in Indonesia and has become one of the top hits in the country. In this tutorial, we will go through the lyrics of the song and provide a detailed explanation of each verse.

First and foremost, let’s take a look at the title of the song, “Keras Kepala.” In Indonesian, “Keras Kepala” means stubborn or hard-headed. This title sets the tone for the rest of the song, which revolves around themes of determination, perseverance, and standing your ground.

Now, let’s dive into the lyrics of the song:

(Verse 1)
Aku tak akan pernah mundur
Meski kau coba menghalangi langkahku
Takkan kubiarkan diriku kalah
Hanya karena satu kata yang kau ucapkan

In this verse, the singer Meiska talks about not giving up, even when faced with obstacles. She emphasizes her determination to never back down and to keep moving forward, despite the challenges that may come her way.

Keras kepala, hatiku masih kuat
Tak kan pernah pudar
Meski ku harus tempuh jalan yang panjang
Ku yakin, tak akan sia-sia

The chorus of the song reiterates the themes of perseverance and resilience. The singer declares that her heart is strong and stubborn, and that she will not waver in her resolve. She believes that her efforts will not be in vain and that she will eventually succeed in her endeavors.

(Verse 2)
Jangan kau coba menghentikan langkahku
Karena takkan pernah bisa putus asa
Ku yakin akan pasti ada jalan
Untuk menggapai semua impian yang kuharapkan

In the second verse, Meiska emphasizes the importance of not giving up, regardless of the obstacles that may come her way. She expresses her confidence in her ability to overcome challenges and achieve her dreams.

Meskipun badai datang menerpa
Aku takkan gentar
Karena ku tahu
Dibalik awan hitam
Pasti ada sinar terang yang akan menyinari jalanku

The bridge of the song serves as a reminder to stay strong and resilient, even in the face of adversity. Meiska acknowledges that there may be storms that come her way, but she knows that there is always a silver lining and that brighter days are ahead.

Keras kepala, hatiku tak akan luntur
Terus melangkah maju
Menuju harapan dan impian
Yang selalu ku nanti

The outro of the song concludes with a strong message of perseverance and determination. Meiska reaffirms her commitment to keep moving forward towards her hopes and dreams, no matter what challenges may come her way.

In conclusion, “Keras Kepala” by Meiska is a powerful and inspiring song that encourages listeners to stay strong, determined, and resilient in the face of obstacles. The lyrics remind us to never give up on our dreams and to keep pushing forward, no matter what challenges may arise.

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8 days ago

aku nyerah aku gaa nahan waktu kamu pergi bukan aku udh ga mau sama kamu jujur aku udah muak sama semuanya kamu pergi atas kemauan kamu jd tolong jangan pernah kembali lg

8 days ago

Kisah ku😹🙏

8 days ago

Ini yang ku rasakan. Dari kalangan keluarga sendiri,, teman2 juga hubungan pribadi. Seperti banyak orang di bumi ini,, tapi saya merasa sendiri. Hanya Ada Tuhan Dan Diri Saya Sendiri.

8 days ago

Hakikat tertinggi dari cinta adalah rasa sayang, cinta datang tdk dipaksakan, dia mengalir begitu saja, cinta pd manusia memang tak bisa panjang, tapi rasa sayang itu akan selamanya 😊 tdk ada yg perlu disesalkan dari pertemuan cinta atas rasa sayang, Krn dia akan kekal di hati dan tak akan pernah hilang, walaupun nanti kau hidup dengan seseorang, dia akan tulus mendoakan mu dan selalu memastikan km dlm keadaan baik walau nantinya tanpa komunikasi, dia akan hadir sekali lagi pd waktu yg tepat 😊 teruntuk yg lagi galau di sana..

8 days ago

Ngga pernah ngerasain hal ini tp emang penikmat musik galau aja😅

8 days ago

Aku d fase ini skrg 😂 ntah ini sementara or Apa liat kdpan Nya saja

8 days ago


8 days ago

Pertama kang wkwkwk

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